Help with Georgetown!!

<p>I am a freshman at a Canadian university and have Columbia and Yale on my list of transfer schools. I am thinking of Georgetown as well because I am a political science major and Georgwtown's promiximty to Washington, DC, and thus the virtually endless opportunities for supplementing my academic work with practical work, have led me to cosider Georgetown as a potential school.</p>

<p>Here's the thing - I would first of all be applying for Financial Aid (there website says its Need-blind, but because I am a a Canadian I assume I will be considered an international student and thus admissions would be need-aware?)</p>

<p>Secondly, from people I have spoken to, including a long post on the Transfer discussion board, have made me reconsider my options. Is life REALLY that bad at Georgetown?</p>

<p>Any advice will surely help!!</p>

<p>I can’t really answer the two questions, but i would just warn you that financial aid for transfers is usually not that forthcoming</p>