I am half way through the first semester of freshman year and it is going very badly. My poor study habits that I was able to get away with in High School don’t fly here and I am failing a class. How do I get my life together. I am not used to this I used to be a straight A student in High school
Go to office hours with each professor and work with them to figure out what you can do to improve. Go to your schools academic support services and start getting those study habits in order. Read the strategies by @bopper on this part of the website, they are excellent.
Go to the tutors for your section. It will help.
First, give yourself some credit because you have identified the problem. The good news is that this is early and it can be fixed. Your situation is not uncommon. I have an 8th grade son and I won’t be at all surprised if he goes through the same thing when he goes to college.
I suggest going to your academic advisor on Monday to find out if the withdraw date has passed. If you can withdraw from the class you are taking, the failing grade won’t show up on your transcript. Unless you think there is enough time to turn it around then obviously this isn’t the best idea. Every college has tutoring and academic support. You need to take advantage of it.
You also need to work with student services and a counselor to help you get on task. You need to implement time management skills and self-discipline.
The good news is you are going to get on this now during your first semester to turn it around. You can do it!