Help with Honors?

<p>Can anyone clarify some stuff about the Honors application process for me? </p>

<p>I'm a Sophomore right now, but I plan to apply to Tech and aim to get into the Honors program. My GPA is somewhere around a 3.91 and I haven't taken my SAT. I know that just to be invited to apply you have to get around a 1350. My ECs are fairly decent so far. I've been the S-4 in JROTC for the past two years, I play volleyball, I'm in the PTSA, drama, and Academic Challenge. There are a couple of other things too, but I'm most heavily involved with JROTC. </p>

<p>The one thing I would really like to have clarified is if the Honors application process takes in account the "context" of my school. The reason is that my school offers hardly any AP, honors, or DE classes, but what they do offer I'm either already taking or plan to take. Some of the classes on my schedule for my junior year include AP calculus through Virtual Va. and College English through John Tyler Community College. I know when applying for Honors, they love to see stuff like that. Will whoever reviews my application pay attention to the school I attend? Or will they just look strictly at the classes and grades? What exactly do they look for?</p>

<p>And I do realize that I can apply for Honors after I'm already established at Tech.</p>

<p>This is for anyone with experience with Honors admission, college admission, or anything related! Any advice it welcome! Thanks!</p>

<p>Hi VaCollegeGirl!
I will be an incoming freshman to Tech and I was not only accepted into University Honors, but I was also granted Honors Housing (the nicest dorms on campus that you can stay in all 4 years- sweet deal). Anyways, I am out of state, and took 15 AP classes over all 4 years of high school (which I know is different from you, but just hear me out). Anyways, my school doesn’t weight GPA and since the 3.8 is based on a weighted scale, I was nervous about even being asked to apply. HOWEVER, despite my 3.7, when they reviewed my applcation they saw that I was ranked 6 out of 508, have a ton of EC’s with devotion and leadership to all of them- I founded two of them for my school too, had superb SAT scores etc. Anyways, they sent my name over to Honors for an invitation to apply, despite not being automatically scanned through with their system. From there I was able to apply- it was fairly simple. They ask you to briefly elaborate about 3 activities you participate in, what your major is, for a teacher evaluation, and gpa/sat/transcript info. Then they give you a totally blank page to fill without info as to what if you want to go to honors housing. I decided that most people write essays, which I was tired of at that point. So I filled it with pictures of me doing all of my unique activities from sports to debate to NHS to math teams to travel in Europe, and then cut out letter from a magazine and spelled out my double major and minor. All of this was centered around a picture of me in maroon and orange at the Sugar Bowl. You soun like you are on the right track. I can’t imagine getting in for you is harder than it was for me since I am out of state, and btw they don’t take into account legacies at Honors. Although I do reccomend stating if you do plan to double major at Tech since they are big into that and also to converse directly with them.
If you want to know more about what other schools I was accepted to etc: I was accepted to George Washington, Carnegie Mellon, Maryland, Virginia, and VT. Then I was deferred at Duke. I also received a total of 300,000 in scholarships from all these schools, despite being white and from an upper middle class family.
Good luck, and GO HOKIES!!!</p>

<p>:D wow congrats! VT has been my top choice so far and I really want to make it into the Honors program (not to mention housing). So far I’m #1 out of not even 100 students (There’s a total of near 400 students in my high school) and I’ve just been super nervous about applying especially regarding scholarships! Do you mind if I message you to ask some questions and such?</p>

<p>not at all. Go right ahead. I know this time now can be super stressful; I was there last year.</p>

<p>Wait, I got acceptance email and was invited for the Honors weekend. Only this year, 75/2700 kids were selected. Does this mean all of the people who got this email were accepted into honors housing?</p>

<p>Tennisgeek, when were you notified about being invited to Honors weekend?</p>