Help with housing

My ds will be attending UA this fall and is trying to find some roommates. He will be in the honors program in engineering. He has been in contact with one future student via e-mail, but he has not heard back from him on a while. I thought before he requested someone on the UA housing site he should e-mail them first, but he has not received any e-mails back from any other students. I am concerned he is going to just have to pick randomly (which would not be good!). Does anyone have any advice on how to get in contact with a future roommate? Ds is laid back, but very studious and not into partying. He hopes to be involved in club athletics, and will be part of the STEM to MBA program. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

@BlessedMom3 Are you in the UA FB Eng’g group? If not, you should join. You may be able to connect with someone whose son is also looking for a roomie.

I do know of an Eng’g incoming freshman who is also looking for a roomie. He’s currently visiting UA (today!), and his family is staying in one of my VRBO condos, so I could ask.

Thank you! Do you have any info on the student looking for a roommate? If so, could you private message me? Thank you so much!

I am in the Honors College, will study engineering, and also part of the STEM to MBA program. @blessedmom3 If your son is still looking for a roommate, feel free to PM me since I’m looking for a roommate as well.