Help with Internship Chances?

<p>Hey, here's my current situation:
I'm currently a sophomore in Electrical Engg at VT. Just this past summer, after freshman year, i had an internship with Dept of Energy, and this coming spring 2012 semester, i'm having a co-op with Harris corporation, and will probably try to work with Harris into one summer semester as well. </p>

<p>This means that the next time i go to a career fair in Fall 2012 as a junior, I will have a GPA of around 2.6 to 2.7 or so, with two internship experiences in college (and one minor, non-career-related internship i did while in 11th grade).</p>

<p>So my question is, do you think companies will actually want to contact me when im at a career fair next fall, with two (plus a minor) internship experiences under my belt but with a GPA like that? I barely have time for extracurricular activities in college, but the work experience part of my resume looks DAM N good so far. Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes. Some companies (seems like government mostly buy ymmv) do have GPA cut offs of 2.5, 3 or 3.5, but you’ll never know till you ask. When I was doing full time hiring at the last career fair and at the interviews afterward we never considered GPA, even as a tiebreaker. It just varies company to company. But yeah, you are MUCH better off with a low GPA and experience than no experience and a 4.0. Astronomically better off.</p>