<p>Should I take ap calc BC and some other class? Or ap calc ab with ap chem?</p>
<p>i think it just depends on you…
but for me, i would take the second option, assuming the “some other class” is not AP</p>
<p>Well personally I’m interested in some career in the medical field, so I’d assume that AP Chemistry would be better. However last year I pretty much covered pre-calc and Calc A in one math class. So the beginning of AP Calc AB would just be review. So it’s either get further in math, or take a field that’s recommended for my career path. I like both classes, so it’s pretty much which one benefits me more, but I’m just too indecisive…</p>
<p>then i would choose the second option if i were you. ap chem relates to medical science, obviously, and ap calc ab is still calculus. you’ll probably have more time to devote to ap chem since calc will be easy for a while.</p>