<p>Even its just a spelling/grammar error, I'd love to hear it. Thanks!</p>
<pre><code>It was the coldest night of my life. 1:41AM, pitch black, I was lying on a pile of dead leaves with nothing but a bag with clothes as my pillow. The cold sank through my only layers of protection, my boots, jeans, and a sweater, and I trembled uncontrollably. My back ached. A tree root jammed into my shoulder, and I horrifyingly pulled a maggot out of my hair.
Who would have thought that the Wilderness Survival merit badge would be so challenging to obtain. With nothing but the clothes on our back, and maybe some string and duct tape, we were supposed to spend a night outside to complete the badge. But with all my years of scouting experience, nothing could have prepared me for the night we were about to experience.
<p>Soon after the sun had set, the cold began to creep into my skin, and I quickly pulled on a long sweater. But that wasnt all. The temperature continued to sink and soon my hands and feet were frozen. The pain of the cold was so unbearable, that as started to lightly drizzle, I prayed out counselor would call it quits and allow us to go home, but nothing changed. I shivered non stop and it was the most miserable night of my life.
However, as I lay there, I started thinking about how my suffering was insignificant compared to the lives of others in our world. Compared to the homeless men and women I walk by, sleeping outside. Compared to the soldiers who lost their lives fighting for our nation.
And as I began to think of all these people, and how they are able to survive day after day, I became more determined to complete my night. Even though I continued to wake up every few minutes, I wasnt desperate to leave anymore. I was determined to push through and finish.
This is just one instance when Scouting has had a profound impact on my life. Whether it is swimming a mile in a lake, or struggling to start a fire, scouting has taught me to persist even when a task seems impossible to complete.
I will never forget that night in the woods. Now, whenever I face a problem that seems difficult to complete, I think of that night. Being able to endure and push through at a time at my lowest, I have the determination to complete any job I set my mind on to. This is the determination that has helped me through Boy Scouts, and I know, it is the determination that will push me through the problems I will face ahead in life.</p>