Help with my IB course selection

Hello, My name is Darryl, and I’m an upcoming IB junior student. From my future schedule, I have IB Art SL, IB Math SL, IB Chemistry SL, IB Spanish SL, but only 2 HL classes, IB English HL and IB History HL.

What is very concerning to me from reading online that at least 3 HL classes are required in order to receive the full IB Diploma.

Since I have only 2 HL courses, will I still be able to get the full IB Diploma? I prefer not change the subjects I’m taking in junior year, but I will if I have to.

My school is very limited with HL classes. They only have English, History, Psychology, and Biology in HL.

You need at least 3 HLs(you can do 4) for the diploma. Bear in mind you have to also have the right groups. SL test out as a junior is only possible for 2 subjects max AFAIK, just pick another HL to exchange for an SL. As one assumes you have picked SL math and language and these aren’t negotiable (to HL), you probably don’t have a ton of choice anyway. Psych or Bio as your elective if you are not HL art material.