Help with nursing schools?

<p>I applied to a bunch of nursing schools. I hear it is harder to get into nursing programs than normal programs sometimes. Yesterday I was accepted to the URI nursing program (does anyone know if it is a good program?) and I was deferred from University of Pittsburgh nursing and I have no clue why because I thought it was more like a safety for me (does anyone know how hard their program is to get into?). Can someone tell me if I have a good chance of getting into the UConn nursing program, Villanova nursing, Northeastern nursing and Boston College nursing? Also, does anyone know of any easier nursing schools to get into (for more safeties)?</p>

<p>Here are my stats-
ACT score: 30
Weighted GPA: 3.6
AP classes taken: AP US History, AP Art History, AP Psychology, AP Statistics, AP Biology
- I also am taking an honors english class and 4 years of spanish
- I have done a lot of volunteer work (over 300 hours) and I am in a lot of clubs at school. I also do 2 seasons of sports for my school. I am also one of the yearbook editors. I also have type 1 Diabetes (I have heard that it does help you get into schools sometimes) and I am part Native American.
- I also go to a very good public school in CT.
- The only thing I can think of not helping me is my junior year I had to get surgery and I was very sick for a few months so my grades were much lower than usual (which can actually be a very big problem considering colleges care about junior year grades the most)</p>

<p>What’s your unweighted GPA? What area of the country are you wanting to be in? How big (or small) of a school are you interested in? Do you care if the program is direct entry or not?</p>

<p>BC is a bit of a reach, Northeasten is a high reach. I can’t comment on Villanova. UConn is pretty much a match.</p>

<p>As for safeties that I can suggest:</p>

<p>Drexel University
Temple University (although since they’re just changing their program into a direct entry, that may be more of a match, it’s hard to say)
SUNY Brockport
D’Youville College
Le Moyne College (maybe more of a match as well)</p>

<p>I go to Le Moyne, and had I not come here, would’ve gone to D’Youville, so if you have any questions on either of those schools, feel free to contact me.</p>

<p>I have a free application to Drexel that I think I might use. Do you know anything about UMass nursing or UVM nursing? I applied to both (both of my parents went to UMass so I’m assuming I will get in there). How hard is northeastern to get into? I applied there early (as well as Boston College) because I really like the Boston area but I am expecting to not get into BC. My unweighted GPA is like a 3.3 and I am from the northeast. A direct program is probably better and I am looking at bigger schools (over 10,000) for the most part. Thank you for your help!</p>

<p>Pitt’s Nursing program is very competitive and is more difficult to get into than most of the undergraduate majors offered there. Unfortunately admission to most BSN programs have also gotten more difficult as the number of applicants have increased faster than the ability of the programs to expand. </p>

<p>Of the schools that you have listed, the only one my daughter considered was Villanova. Supposedly a nice campus in a “safe” area and I think you may be a match for their admission standards. Downsides may be that you have to travel into Philly for clinicals and the COA is not inexpensive. Good transportation available into Philly and a lot to do
within the city. Might be worth a look.</p>

<p>Well if you want big schools, you can cross off Brockport, D’Youville and Le Moyne. I don’t have any other suggestions for big schools…the big schools I applied to were SUNY Buffalo, Temple and Drexel.</p>

<p>does anyone know anything about case western nursing (how hard it is to get in) or anything else about northeastern, uvm or umass nursing?</p>

<p>My daughter has applied to Case Western Reserve. Great nursing program. Expensive but they do give a lot of aid. I think it may be more difficult to get into than Pitt, but couldn’t hurt to apply.</p>

<p>Can anyone comment on the quality of the nursing program at Saint John Fisher College in Rochester? Their nursing school has recieved lots of $$ from the Wegman’s Corporation in recent years.</p>

<p>No information personally. There are a few posts about it:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also, I think SingDanceRunLife considered it. Perhaps she’ll weigh in with an opinion.</p>

<p>aglages is correct. I did consider it for awhile, but decided against even applying. A lot of it was that I already had a solid list of schools that I was going to apply to, but the other part was that my main reason for considering it was that my boyfriend wanted to go to RIT so I looked into some schools in and around Rochester including Fisher, SUNY Brockport and Naz…but then he broke up with me, so I just didn’t apply.</p>

<p>The program is pretty solid, and extremely popular. Because of the location in Rochester, there are many places that clinicals are done. One of the biggest drawbacks however is that the nursing program isn’t direct entry, so you aren’t guaranteed a spot.</p>


His loss.

Definitely NOT good. We (my daughter) wouldn’t even consider a Nursing program that wasn’t direct entry. There are too many direct entry programs to let a college take your money and then decide later if they want you in their nursing program. Just my opinion…</p>



<p>I agree!</p>

<p>I applied to a bunch of direct entry and a bunch of upper-division only programs, but in the end decided to go the direct entry route. I mean, at some schools it’s not a big deal because almost everyone is accepted into the actual nursing programs, but then there are those like Temple which was my first choice that has a 44% internal acceptance rate (although starting in 2010 the nursing program will be direct entry).</p>

<p>I just got deferred from UVM nursing… I’m having a crisis… I feel like I’m not going to get in anywhere…</p>

<p>^ Didn’t you already get in to URI ??</p>

<p>Yes, but I really really really wasnt expecting to have to go there (and I dont want to go there) :(</p>

<p>Everyone we know that applied to nursing at UVM early this year got deferred to the regular round. I think UVM is waiting to look at the entire applicant pool before making final decisions in March…</p>

<p>I have been accepted to Case Western nursing!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations!!! My daughter was accepted to CWRU today also.</p>

<p>Congrats! Great school :)</p>

<p>Thanks SingDanceRunLife!</p>