Help with online APP! Thanks!

<p>Hi everyone, </p>

<p>I have some questions about the online application and if anyone can help I will appreciate it a lot.</p>

<p>a.We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (*)
Does this question want you to elaborate on an extracurricular activity (I do my extracurricular activities for the pleasure of it) like the 150 word one on common application? Or does it want you to elaborate on anything that you do because you want to?</p>

<p>Essay B Describe the world you come from, for example your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?
Does this essay have to be related to my passions? Because the essay I am thinking about writing outlines dreams and aspirations, however those dreams and aspirations are not connected with my future career? (Because I don't know what my future career is yet)</p>

<p>Can I write another essay in the "(Completely Optional) No admission application can meet the needs of every individual. If you think additional information or material will give us a more thorough impression of you, please respond below." bit?</p>

<p>Can my counselor submit my resume in the stuff he is sending? So that I don't need to put my resume in the "(Completely Optional) No admission application can meet the needs of every individual. If you think additional information or material will give us a more thorough impression of you, please respond below." bit?</p>

<p>Is a resume helpful? My one is like a laundry list. Perhaps one with few bullet points but longer bullet points explaining each activity is better? Is it ok if the resume is more than 1 page?</p>


<p>a. The latter of what you said.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>b. Don’t know how to really answer this one. I’d ask Mollie Batmit.</p>

<p>c. I wondered that as well (because I did another essay), but yes you can.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Not sure about your last two questions.</p>

<p>The essay B topic is whatever u want it to be… i just wrote about my liking and interest in medicine and where i hope to be in the future kinda thing (talked indirectly about my interest in surgical medicine and future career)… id say talk about what u wanna do in life… make sure to connect with with a theme that the question stated (again indirectly at least…i talked about my parent’s situation and how that nurtured me with diff morals values etc.)</p>

<p>In the MIT website there is a FAQ asking: What if i have more than 5 extracurriculars? How about if i want to explain more about my extracurriculars instead of 40 words?..</p>

<p>the answer was u may send a resume but that may look negative towards ur application (so don’t send one)…</p>

<p>that was the answer… they dont have time for resumes… and an extra essay is always fine… i used mine to write the square root of three poem that showed how funny a person i am and how witty i can be…</p>


The answer can be on absolutely anything you do for fun, but if you want to answer with one of your extracurriculars, that’s totally fine. Extracurriculars should be things you do for fun. :)</p>


Your counselor could submit it, I suppose, but you could also send a resume as supplemental material through the mail. You can send anything you want as supplemental material, and there’s no page limit. Resumes are frequently submitted in this way.</p>


The resume may or may not be helpful. It won’t hurt you, but if it doesn’t make clear something about you and your activities, it will not help your application.</p>

<p>Matt McGann says in his blog entry on [url=<a href=“]supplemental”>]supplemental</a> materials<a href=“emphasis%20mine”>/url</a>,


<p>Thank you so much for the quick replies guys. </p>

<p>In my online app, it does not allow me to elaborate on my extracurriculars that much as I have written Essay B not on my passion but of an issue of concern.</p>

<p>In my additional information bit, I wrote an essay concerning my extracurriculars, however it has no real depth, because I am just showing off my writing ability and not really focusing on my passions.</p>

<p>“These extra sheets are most useful in providing depth, not breadth.”</p>

<p>So I assume it is ok to send in lets say three sheets explaining some of the major projects I have been involved in? As the online application only allows 50 words for each activity.</p>

<p>Also, why do they have a word limit for the additional information bit, when we can just send in supplementary information anyways? Would it be ok if it was around 600 words?</p>

<p>They don’t explicitly count words, and I believe there’s no automatic cutoff in the software.</p>

<p>I believe they put a limit on the additional information which can be added into the online application because they print all of the online applications to paper for reading. If you want to send additional information, therefore, it’s on your dime for the printing.</p>


It would be okay.</p>

<p>I am thinking of sending in the abstract of a geography research project (4000 word only) I did as a part of my IB Diploma. Do you think that would be advisable? It is quite different from all the scientific research that many people send in and hopefully it will be unique and interesting?</p>

<p>4000 words= tooooo long for less than 10 minute review of total application… they have multiple readers reading ur application and a supplement of 4000 words long will take super long to read bro… not being rude or anything… i know IB has a requirement of a topic of ur choice essay thats done over the summer that totals 4000 words… i helped my friend write one…</p>

<p>cut the 4000 words to 500-1000 words minimum something they can read very fast lol… it should be an abstract really… so abstract are usually 2-3 paragraphs</p>

<p>lol… I meant the whole essay was 4000 words sorry. The abstract is only 300 words.
I was just wondering if submitting a geography one is a great idea because everyone else’s would be science-orientated.</p>

<p>geography abstract is pretty cool… send it in</p>