Help with s10th/11th grade schedule.

i am not making fun of the other schedule threads.
its just schedule season again and i need help badly.

<p>Choice 1
Sophomore Year.</p>

<p>1st Sem
AP Chem
AP World History
Honors English (BS school. too hard to test out)
French 1</p>

<p>2nd Sem
AP Calc A/B
AP Chem
AP World History
French 2</p>

Organic Chem I
Some college bio class. TBD</p>

<p>2nd Choice</p>

<p>1st Sem
AP Calc a/b
Honors English
French 1
AP Physics B</p>

<p>2nd Sem
AP Calc b/c
Honors English
French 2
AP Chem C/D (weird school has AP chem in 2 classes)</p>

Organic Chem I
College Bio Class TBD</p>

<p>The second option requires more time during freshman summer to take honors chem/pre-calc.</p>

<p>Junior Year (dam school switches to trimesters now)</p>

<p>AP Physics C
French 3
Linear Algebra/Multivariable TBD
AP Literature or AP Language.</p>

<p>Summer Biochem I</p>

<p>College Classes during Junior year.</p>

<p>Fall Semester
Biochemistry II: Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction and Gene Expression
BIOL 4003 Genetics
College Econ class TBD
Intro to Physics for Biology I.</p>

<p>Spring Semester
Cell Biology or Molecular Cell Biology
Intro to Physics for Biology II
Molecular Genetics
Microbiology of Organisms.</p>

<p>Senior Year College Classes - Haven't considered high school yet.
Biocatalysis and Biodegradation
Microbial Genomics
Microbial Biochem and Biotech.
Biotech and Bioengineering.</p>

<p>Add some econ course.</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

please help!
Thanks again.</p>

<p>Algebra concepts
edit: not a ■■■■■</p>

<p>?. i really need help. im serious. i SWEAR.</p>

<p>It would be helpful if we knew your freshmen schedule, because then we may better judge if you are taking on too much. I would not recommend going from no APs freshman year to 4 or 5 sophomore year. I went from 1 Freshmen year to 4 sophomore year (Well 5 if you count AP Calculus BC as AB+BC) and it wasn’t that easy. </p>



<p>These will be near useless after AP Physics B and C. If you are aiming for top schools, that advice I have heard is not to specialize THAT much.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>hmm thanks. i sorta thought that too.</p>

<p>im self studying 5 APs this year. no APs offered lolol.
and im pretty sure i could handle it.</p>

<p>how do u have a choice between pre-cal and ap cal</p>

<p>lol. i could either take pre-calc in summer. or not and do ap physics B. then ap physics C in sophomore. which i forgot to fix.</p>


<p>Take BC not AB.</p>

<p>^ Yes if you’re going to take Calc one way or the other it might as well be BC.</p>



<p>You mean no APs offered to freshmen? Because there are certainly a lot on your schedule</p>

<p>yea. no aps as freshman.
lol…our 9th graders are put with the junior highs.

<p>What 5 are you self-studying?</p>