Help with schedule for someone who is UNDECIDED

<p>My S is going to BB on 6/12-6/13- he is in lower division Business … He is one of those kids that doesn’t know what he wants to do- a friend mentioned General Studies also…what should he sign up to take 1st semester? I assume that there are basic core classes…</p>

<p>There are tons of core classes. If you go to the business school web page there should be flowcharts on class tracks. (My D is planning on engineering and that school has all majors showing flowcharts)</p>

<p>Do you mean General Studies major or do you mean Gen Education/Core classes??</p>

<p>He should sign up for:</p>

<p>Frosh Comp
Foreign Language

<p>Gen Studies major…</p>

<p>thx… what could he take instead of History- he may take in summer school instead…</p>

<p>So, the friend is suggesting that your son NOT major in some area of business and instead major in General Studies? That is a bad idea. The GS major has a rep of being the major that “not-very-smart jocks” major in. </p>

<p>Or maybe I misunderstand.</p>

<p>thx- she just mentioned that’s what her son might do… I think Business is much smarter</p>

<p>If he’s interested in business but undecided on a major, I’d probably encourage him to take EC 110, Freshman Comp (if he needs it), a math course (which one depends on what he places into), and GBA 145. EC 110 is a requirement for all business majors and will satisfy the SB core requirement, and GBA 145 is the business school’s compass course that, among other things, gives an overview of the majors available. He’s going to have to take math no matter what his major (unless he already has credit), and the business school requires either Calc 125 or Calc 121. Then I’d probably fill in with other gen ed requirements - maybe a science and a history. Does he have any AP or transfer credits? Does he like foreign language? If he’s in the business school he won’t need to take foreign language, as the requirement is either FL or C courses, and he’ll have to take two C courses as part of the business curriculum, but if he wants to take a language it could apply to his humanities credits.</p>

<p>You might want to look here: <a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama. This is a plan for a management major, but you can plug in whatever major you want. The early semester plans tend to be the same for most business majors.</p>

<p>Becoming undeclared shifts one over to Arts and Sciences, which may cause issues when trying to register for business courses. General/interdisciplinary studies* is a major typically used by people with a lot of credits in various areas who want a degree reflecting such. Joe Namath had this major when he reentered in UA and graduated in 2007 at the age of 64.</p>

<p>*Students in the New College officially major in interdisciplinary studies, so some high achieving students do have the major. Athletes often major in specific subjects.</p>

<p>I recommend GBA 145 for prospective business majors who are not sure of which business major they should choose. With the possible exception of MIS, the lower division requirements are the same for every business major, so students typically have a couple semesters to decide on a major.</p>

<p>thanks-I’ve written these down… he is not undeclared just undecided within Business…</p>

<p>Hlsess, if he’s just undecided as to business major, that’s not a problem. Business students, unless they’re coming in with a lot of credits, take the same basic things for the first few semesters. One other thing you might want to check into is CS 102. The advisors at BB will probably steer him into it for first semester. If he’s computer savvy (I’m talking software like MS office, not the guts of the machine) he may be able to test out of it. OTOH, I don’t think it’s a particularly difficult class and it’s only one day a week.</p>

<p>He is now going to do some career testing to make sure that he is on the right path- we go tomorrow to BB…Business may be a little too hard for him… not sure about Economics and Calculus- yes- he is not one of those kids that knows exactly what he wants to do in 4 years… he of course thinks he want to open a business but that is a little broad to me…</p>

<p>Here is the plan- Eng 101
GBA 145
CS 102 (possibly)
Music 121- FA</p>

<p>so are most of these core classes for most majors except for GBA 145- don’t want him signing up for too much that won’t transfer to a different major

<p>hlsess, certainly EN 101, Math, MUS 121 and Psych would satisfy core requirements for most majors. I’m not sure how many majors require CS 102, and your son might be able to test out of it in any event. </p>

<p>I know a number of average B students who majored in business and got through calc and econ without too much trouble - not at UA but at comparable schools. Don’t underestimate your son - he may well be fine with the business curriculum if it turns out that’s what he really wants to do. But there’s nothing wrong with easing into college life with an easy first semester (and it’s absolutely the best course for some students); I’d just make sure that he keeps the business major option open by taking a math that will get him to MATH 121.<br>
You might want to look here for the requirements of various business minors, too: [Culverhouse</a> College of Commerce and Business Administration < The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Culverhouse”> </p>

<p>FWIW, my D took MUS 121 with Prof. Woosley last semester and enjoyed it (plus she said it wasn’t difficult).</p>

<p>If MUS 121 is filled, your student may be interested in TCF112. It is a Monday night Film course that looks interesting, shouldn’t conflict with any other classes and covers a FA/HU requirement</p>

<p>He was last in his group but was able to get all classes except Psychology-they put him in sociology- anyone know much about it? I am going to change something b/c on Th he has an 11,12:30 and 2:00</p>

<p>all of the OOS parents were saying how incredible orientation was at Alabama compared to other places! We are very excited about our rooommates from ATL. I was quite impressed myself… </p>

<p>We did go to the career meeting at 12:30 and it was nice and informative-hear career center is great!</p>

<p>AS I watching Fox news last night- it mentioned a tuition hike at Alabama :frowning: $12,000/semester-OOS and 4,700 for instate</p>

<p>Lots of construction and lots of camps going on-I had to wait a long time for a HUGE group to cross the street…</p>

<p>hlsess: Which Sociology course # do you want info on? He can always try to get back into a Psych once other registration sessions open up?</p>

<p>it is 101 we will keep looking</p>

<p>Long haul- do you know anyone that’s taken the film class? Someone said that they had a hard time with music 121. But it was many years ago</p>

<p>I had to wait a long time for a HUGE group to cross the street…</p>

<p>Yes, there are many high school camps going on…music, football, cheer, science, etc. Next month, Bama is hosting the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) Intensive (it’s 3 weeks long). Families coming from everywhere. I must have gotten 10 inquiries for my condo for those 3 weeks.</p>