So here’s what I have planned for next year (junior):
AP English III
AP Calc BC
AP US History DC
AP Chem
Art IV
AP Comp Sci
Ive been thinking and I really want to replace anatomy and comp sci with physics C (it’s 2 class periods). I was planning to do it senior year but with c now changed to 2 class periods in my school, it kinda crowds up my senior schedule, and my teacher said it probably won’t be a class then as no one really is wanting to take c and we need 10 people in order to have the class (we barely met the 10 req for next year)
However my parents think c is really hard and that I’m bad at physics (I got an 88 in physics a grading period) so they wouldn’t want me to do it and instead do easier stuff like comp sci and anat
I got a 88 Physics 1* AP this year
Also I find it hard to convince them of anything, mostly because every time I try to voice an opinion they tell me they know what’s best and I have no idea what I’m talking about
Part of the answer depends upon what you want to study in college. If you are not planning on majoring in engineering or physics, I probably wouldn’t suggest taking Physics C even if you had an A in AP Physics 1. AP Physics C is less theoretical that AP Physics 1, so that may, or may not help you in terms of grading. You know yourself better than anyone here.
If you were to take AP Physics C though, I’d probably suggest pushing AP Chem to senior year.
I agree with skieurope, if you want to take AP Physics, push AP Chem to senior year so you aren’t overwhelmed with work.
Thanks for the help
! I decided to keep Physics C for senior year instead, as some of my friends said they’d be interested in taking C with me.
As for my major, right now, I’m looking into Biomedical Engineering
So my next two years will look like this:
AP English III
AP U.S History DC
AP Calc BC
AP Chemistry
AP Comp Sci A
Art III Drawing
Anatomy & Physiology K
AP English IV
AP Gov/Eco
AP Human Geography (I don’t have a history credit sophomore year)
AP Art Studio 2D
AP Physics C
*I plan on only taking the AP Exams for Physics C and AP Art senior year, while taking all junior year
I’m also wondering if I should do PE online and do Health over the summer, or if i should do Gov/Eco over the summer and PE/Health (easy classes) during school