Help with schedule?!

I am about to go to bama bound and pick classes. I am undecided on my major but I am interested in medicine. What classes should I take? @mom2collegekids

Much of this will depend on what (if any) AP classes you have and whether you feel you want to repeat those or not.

Your first term should include General Chemistry (preferably Honors), Honors English, Calculus 1 or Biostatistics, Sociology Honors and one more requirement. Don’t overload.

I am about to go to bama bound and pick classes. I am undecided on my major but I am interested in medicine. What classes should I take?

Sorry I missed this.

Are you interested in becoming a doctor? Nurse? PA? What?

What classes did you sign up for?

Pick classes that fill general ed requirements. . . and keep you on track for pre-med . . .

My guess would be prioritize math (through Calculus), Chemistry and Biology, as those are often pre-req for many other classes you’ll soon need on a pre-med track. Add in English and/or other general education requirements (consider psychology for that general ed area, since it’ll be needed for pre-med).

All those sorts of classes should fulfill requirements for nearly any major, so that’d be where I’d start.

And don’t take all three of calculus, bio+lab, and chem+lab your first semester. Stagger bio and chem over the two semesters.