<p>Ok. I took the ACT and I scored 27...not so great. On the SAT I scored 720M/ 650 + 650 on the bloated verbal. Better then my ACT score. The thing is I took SAT II's and I had a horrible day. It was terrible and my scores reflected this. I took physics, math IIc, and am hist. On the math section I made the fatal mistake of working far too slow (the questions were really easy though) and then getting burned by time. It was really frustrating leaving so many easy questions blank because of the time.... Anyway I know I can do better and I am going to sign up to take at least mathIIc and physics again in January. However some of my schools may not accept these scores...so my question to CC is what should I send: My decent SAT I with my abysimal SAT II's or my kind of sad ACT scores? </p>
<p>Also do most schools accept the Jan SAT scores?</p>
<p>Check our pricetonreview.com and see how you fall in the percentile for the school, usually pick the higher one.
I would go with your SAT scores because they are a lot higher. Most schools do accept the January scores. They will wait to give you notice on acception until they recieve them. Basically, you may unknowingly put your acceptance on how you do on those tests, without seeing what you get. But you Sats make you seem capable of getting high on these tests, and now you are prepared.</p>
<p>For me, 31 ACT of 720 math/630 CR/590 writing. 720 Math IIC, 760 chem. The two schools require either the ACT or the sat + those 2 subject test. RPI doesnt care about writing, and I am not sure on WPI.</p>
<p>Sweet, some more people applying to WPI. I'm applying EA there (1/1 deadline). What do you guys think of the school? Noone in my area (NJ) has ever even heard of it.</p>
<p>I think it is a solid school for engi - honestly the only con I can think of besides the fact that is not right in Boston is the male/female ratio.</p>