I’m hoping the wise parents on this forum can help me come up with a way to best help my very stubborn daughter. She’s a junior and had some essays due this week for a scholarship application and summer program application. She’s a smart kid with high grades and test scores, but is not the strongest writer/communicator. Our problem is that she refused to accept any advice or even editing on her essays because she feels like, if she does, the work “won’t be hers”.
I admire her determination to not let someone else tell her what to say, but pointed out to her that editing is just the process of making sure what she wants to say is said as clearly as possible. I keep arguing that every writer has someone else proofread their work and that even J.K. Rowling (she’s a big Harry Potter fan) accepted editing. She finally let my husband read one of her essays last night. My husband said the essay was not very good, but knowing there wasn’t time for many changes and that she wouldn’t accept them anyway, he told her it was fine and just made a couple of suggestions. She submitted those applications last night and we don’t know whether or not she made the small changes he suggested.
It’s too late to do anything about those applications now, but looking ahead to college applications, I really want to somehow convince this kid to let someone help her with her essays. Her school has a writing center and I begged her to go there for help with the essays this week. She wouldn’t do that, so I’m afraid she won’t use that service for her college essays either. If she was a gifted writer, I’d still be frustrated with her stubbornness, but wouldn’t be quite as worried that she was sabotaging herself. As it is, I’m afraid her sense of honor or whatever it is that makes her feel like she can’t accept help is going to really hurt her on college applications.
Has anyone else ever run into this problem? Do any of you think she’s right and that I should let it go and let her just do her best on her own? Thanks for any advice you can share -