Help with Syracuse University

<p>Recently i just got a letter from Syracuse University saying:
Dear So and So,
Thank You for you interest in Syracuse University! The Admission Committee is currently reviewing your application for admission to the College of Arts and Sciences, Premedicine progroam through the sponsorhip of the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) HEOP is a program implemented by New York State to assist students with academic and economic requirments of higher education................Then they said i need to fill out some forms and give it to them asap because its a first come first serve basis, and they cant make a decision until they get the stuff from me.............................
Can someone please explain what HEOP is, and what it means for me, and how it will affect my admission chance to Syracuse University?</p>

<p>bump..................................come on people i need help</p>

<p>research my friend...they made the internet for some damn reason for sure..!</p>

<p>gee thanks a lot</p>

<p>it helps ur chances, but i believe its designed for people with low incomes who 'havent had the same opportunities.' i do know that sometimes an acceptance through heop is pending a completion of a summer course or somthing</p>
