Help with uc app

Hi Fellas,
I didn’t get to take physics in high school because it never fit into my schedule. Because ucs recommend that you take a physics course in high school and I didn’t get to, should I explain this on the additional information section? (I also couldn’t take AP Spanish (3rd yr of Spanish) so I have two years of Spanish even though they recommend three, for the same reason).

You could give a brief explanation if there was a schedule conflict. Are you applying as a STEM major?

Did you take Spanish in Middle school? It is the level you reach not the # of years in HS. Is AP Spanish level 4 at your HS?

@Gumbymom Thank you for your help! Under the additional section, I stated that I was planning on taking a physics and a spanish course in the second semester. I’m currently enrolled in Algebra/Trig Based Physics and Elementary Spanish at a community college!