Help with US History: 3 Multiple Choice QUestions

<p>Okay I know this was debated in a topic but I'm confused:
Spanish american war was called "splendid little war" because of - diplomacy OR quick battle success in cuba and phillipines???</p>

<p>Monroe doctrine is best characterized as- international law OR unilateral declaration of principles???</p>

<p>Largest change in ethnic voting patterns occured- before OR after the great depression???</p>

<p>gosh i hope i did not miss these....</p>

<p>quick battle
I would say unilateral since it is not an international law, simple a principal set up by President Monroe that was meant to protect fellow American nations from the tyranny of European nations.
After large shift in minority voters to Democrats (especially African Americans)</p>

<p>The shift definitely occured before the Depression, if you actually looked at the chart they gave you</p>

<p>did that chart have numbers or was it a graph?</p>

<p>It had numbers. The increase was much larger between 1924-28 than 1928-32</p>

<p>it also had comparisons of like the polish and other groups? I'm thinking of the question, trying to remember it....'</p>

<p>if it was the chart I think it was then I should get it right....cause I think I chose before the depression</p>

<p>I don't know what you are talking about, but it is one of the only questions I clearly remember. It asked whether the voting trends among ethnic minorities shifted most before or after the Depression (it may have been in a specific city, but I forget), and for all of them/almost all (I think the Poles were listed) the shift to the Democratic party occured before.</p>

<p>In actuality it was the other way, but go with the graph (thatÂ’s what I did anyway).</p>

<p>OK good thank you :)</p>

Spanish american war was called "splendid little war" because of - diplomacy OR quick battle success in cuba and phillipines???


<p>The Spanish American War began because of a sort of "New" Manifest Destiny inherent in the sentiments of Americans. Yellow journalists egged on tensions between the two countries, and McKinley was eventually forced to go to war because it was the will of the general public. Hence it was a "splendid little war" because the imperialistic desires of the United States were fullfilled in Cuba and the Phillipines. </p>

Monroe doctrine is best characterized as- international law OR unilateral declaration of principles???


<p>The Monroe Doctrine was a ballsy move on the part of the United States. Essentially JQ Adams was saying "no more colonization in North America, or else!" when he wrote the thing. Britain, France, Spain, Russia, and the US didn't get together and lay down a bunch of ground rules, rather it was just the United States issuing a unilateral warning. </p>

Largest change in ethnic voting patterns occured- before OR after the great depression???


<p>The "New Immigrants" (southern Europe) overtook the "Old Immigrants" (UK, Germany, Scandinavia) in the numbers they arrived in the US from the 1880's to the 1920's. So before the Great Depression is the answer</p>

<p>I was speaking in the change in native voters, and not including immigrants.</p>