Help! Wrong college

<p>Please help me, I looked at my application status page again and I got in for university studies, but it says my college is interdisiciplnary college which is the Liberal arts and human sciences college. I want to possibly major in biology or architecture, but definitely Nothing pertaining religion or culture. </p>

<p>This is the link to what interdisiciplnary college is. </p>

<p>Interdisciplinary</a> Studies Major | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Please help me how to change into another college! Thanks</p>

<p>Since no one else has posted, try giving admissions a call & explain to them what happened & ask for their advice. I have found that all the offices I have dealt with have been nice, may not always answer the way I want but have been nice.</p>

<p>The link you posted is not for the interdisciplinary college but rather interdisciplinary studies major. It is no longer a major at Tech (it is still offered for students graduating until 2013, but no new students can sign up for the major). I believe interdisciplinary college may be another term for University Studies, but you can call just to be certain. Since it’s not a major and your application doesn’t list you under the College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences, I wouldn’t stress too much.</p>

<p>ahh thank you both of you!</p>

<p>@financially lost - I think you may be right! But I will definately call them and check it out ! :)</p>