<p>Ok, my first time posting here, but I think this is the right place...</p>
<p>I am a senior in HS who is currently a NMSF, but my Oct. SAT score was a 2180, so I'm pretty sure I'll advance to Finalist. I have applied and been accepted to my first choice school, Boise State, however, I just found out that this year Boise State is only guaranteeing a $500-$2000 stipend to NMFs. They told me they would then put together 'packages' of different scholarships from other things they offer. My second choice school, Westminster College, UT, offers full tuitions, but I would need housing covered for that one. I'm pretty sure I would be able to qualify for finacial need aid from either school, for what that's worth...</p>
<p>So here is my question. Should I apply to Westminster, and select it as my first choice school, to see if I can qualify for enough aid to cover room/board, etc. in addition to the NMF money? Or should I keep my first choice as Boise State, and hope I can get tuition (and ideally, room and board) covered through other need and merit based scholarships? </p>
<p>Any help would be much appreciated!</p>
<p>Does either school require being named by a certain date?</p>
<p>Are you instate for Boise State? If not, don’t expect need based aid from them.</p>
<p>Do you know what your FAFSA EFC is?</p>
<p>Quick EFC - this is a rough estimate<br>
[FinAid</a> | Calculators | QuickEFC](<a href=“Your Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaid”>Quick EFC - Finaid) </p>
<p>Does Westminster have a record of giving good financial aid that is NOT loans or work-study?</p>
<p>Westminster Annual College Costs ( Fall 2010 )</p>
<p>tuition … $25,560<br>
fees: … $420<br>
Room and board: … $7,274<br>
Books and supplies: $1,000 </p>
<p>If they give you free tuition, unless you have an EFC of less than about $10,000, you’re not going to get need-based aid. </p>
<p>Westminster doesn’t meet need. If you have determined need from FAFSA, it’s likely going to give you a student loan and work-study. </p>
<p>Why aren’t you applying to schools that will give you Tuition and housing and more for being NMF?</p>
<p>Thank you so much for that link!</p>
<p>I went through it with my dad and our family got a EFC of 0. I am instate for Boise State, so with that ranking, should I feel pretty confident that need help would cover everything, if merit did not? Also, if most of the aid I get is need based, will that cover housing, board, etc., or not?</p>
<p>Also, on the EFC page, it said I would probably qualify for a Pell Grant. I’m going to read up more on that now, but should I apply for that?</p>
<p>Boise State is mostly my first choice because of the location. I love the area, and it’s not too far from home.
<p>Thanks so much for your help!</p>
<p>I don’t think you understand EFC. That’s only a number to see if you qualify for federal aid. Boise St isn’t obligated to cover your costs.</p>
<p>Boise St gives LOUSY aid. Probably the worst I’ve seen.</p>
<pre><code>* Average percent of need met: 19%
- Average indebtedness at graduation: $23,256
<p>Percent of total undergraduate aid awarded as:</p>
<pre><code>* Scholarships / grants: 32%
Loans / jobs: 68%
<p>If you truly do have an EFC of 0, then you will get a grant for $5550 per year. Any other costs would get covered with loans and work-study.</p>
<p>you don’t apply for a Pell grant…It’s awarded to you based on your FAFSA EFC. The school will get that money to put towards your costs.</p>
<p>I would want Boise St to clarify how much they’re going to “cobble together” for you.</p>