<p>I'm trying to transfer to UCSD but I just bombed my Economics final and I needed a C in this class to transfer and I don't think I'm going to get it. I'm going to the Eleanor Roosevelt College and I'm wondering if I can still get in?????? Anyone know?</p>
<p>Is this a required class for your major? If your final grade turns out to be lower than a C, you’ll have to call admissions and see what they say. Perhaps you can work it out so that you can retake the class over the summer.</p>
<p>Depending on the specifics, it definitely sounds like something you can get rescinded for, though.</p>
<p>Wait until you see the F/D before freaking out .</p>
<p>meet and talk to the prof about the final. Some profs are surprisingly reasonable and lenient.</p>
<p>i have the same situation with u. how do u work it out?</p>