
<p>I am a rising senior at a small, competitive, Catholic highschool outside of Chicago. I am in the top 15% of my class with a 4.2 GPA, a 30 on my ACT and a 1950 on SAT. I take as many AP and honors courses as I can handle and have ever since freshman year. I have also maintained A honor roll status hroughout my highschool career. I was inducted to the National Honor Society Alexine chapter as well as the National English Honor Society. I was also nominated and accepted to Roadrunner Club. It is a club that elects students based on morale, character, academic achievement, and leadership skills. I also hold a leadership position in my school's Youth Initiative group. </p>

<p>I am interested in marine biology and love what the University of Miami has to offer its undergrads in that field. I volunteer at the Shedd Aquarium in downtown Chicago as a guest engagement worker. I give presentaions on the wildflife around the aquarium and conservation. I am very active at the aquarium and will be able to get stellar letters of recommendations from my supervisors. I wrote an essay on my love of marine life and conservation starting from when I was three years old and rescued a stranded jellyfish on the beach. My english professor loved it. </p>

<p>I have received excellent letters of recommendations from teachers and my guidance counselor who I have very good relationships with.</p>

<p>I also volunteer over 300 hours a year at my parish through habitat for humanity, the aquarium, and my school</p>

<p>I have been on the cross country and soccer teams for all four years</p>

<p>and i have a job at an insurance company as a secretary</p>

<p>The only problem is that I didn't do well in math my junior year. My teacher was not very good and I didn't get a very good grade. I am in ap bio now and have an avg grade but do you still think I can get in??</p>

<p>If anyone can help me out, your input would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!</p>

<p>Your statistics sound pretty good. Good Recs and volunteer hours as well as work experience. The only thing I’m thinking is that I hear marine biology is pretty competitve, so I don’t have any idea about that.</p>

<p>PS: I run cross country too. How are you on the cross country AND soccer teams for all four years? Aren’t they the same season?</p>

<p>Let me try to help by asking a few more questions: </p>

<p>You mention 1950 on SAT - how does that breakdown: Math-CR-CW? (UM ignores the CW portion). What were your individual scores behind the 30 composite ACT score? How large is the class - like 100 and you may be 15th - something like that? What kind of scores did you get on the AP exams you have taken so far? The 4.2 GPA is on 4.0 scale?</p>

<p>Since today is the EA cutoff, I assume you’re talking about applying Regular Decision?
Have you visited the school? If so, did you speak with anyone in RSMAS?<br>
Do you have your heart set on UM, or are torn between a few universities?</p>

<p>My daughter is a freshman in RSMAS this semester and LOVING it.

<p>I applied EA and I got a 33 on writing, 29 math, 30 science and 32 reading for ACT. I’m a girl so soccer and xc are different seasons and UM’s marine science admission is unlimited. The 4.2 is on a mix of 5.0 and 4.0 classes and I did visit and have talked to admin reps.</p>

<p>You mention 1950 on SAT - how does that breakdown: Math-CR-CW? (UM ignores the CW portion).</p>

<p>How large is the class - like 100 and you may be 15th - something like that?</p>

<p>We have nearly 200 and I’m not sending sat</p>

<p>I’m in the mid to lower twenties of my class</p>

<p>I think (my opinion) is that you will be accepted. It’s too bad the math and science portions of your ACT weren’t switched with the writing and reading (for RSMAS purposes)! I can’t really comment on whether you’d be in line for any of the scholarships - depends a lot on what the resumes of the other 26000+ applicants look like. Based on what I saw for the folks accepted last year, if you are accepted I would think you’d get the 16k scholarship.</p>

<p>Assuming your application is complete and in order there is not much you can do now except sit back and relax until February 2012.</p>

<p>I wish you all the best!

<p>Thank you so much! And do u think one bad grade on my report card won’t hurt me too much?</p>

<p>It wasn’t an F or D was it? Even then, I think the wholistic picture is more important and the 29 on the math ACT section is evidence you know your stuff. What math sub-topic was the bad grade in - calc?</p>

<p>In precalc honors I took a year ahead of me in math so it was a senior class</p>

<p>And no, I got a C</p>

<p>Any additional feedback?</p>

<p>You’re in. You won’t be the first person they pick, but you’re in; probably 16k scholarship.</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>

<p>I would say you’re definitely in. I don’t know anything about the Marine Biology program or how competitive it is but I would honestly say that you are in. You’re a great candidate!</p>

<p>Is it your top choice?</p>

<p>Best of luck :)</p>

<p>Hi. Please Chance me.
I go to A Private High School
Prep High school
I would like to attend University of Miami
Gpa -2.61 freshman year
Extra Curricular Activities
Show choir
Mission Club
Volunteer At Hospital so far 16 hours
Volunteer at The red Cross volunteer
Cancer Society volunteer
Volunteered at a Musical play at my school
outside activity mayors youth commission
This year my sophomore year
So far… activities + I’m in Choir</p>

<p>Mission club
Miracle Makers
Show Choir
My gpa is very low you think i have a chance? so far?"
I’m thinking of transfering to a public school to get my gpa higher?</p>

<p>When do they send out EA decisions?</p>

<p>Last year my D received her’s via her myUM on 1/28.</p>

<p>Anna your gpa is low and idk your test scores, get I up and you might have a chance</p>