
<p>I'm only a sophomore in high school, but I'm pretty sure UW is my first choice school. I'm from out of state (Illinois) so I know tuition will be significantly higher. My mom seems to be concerned about the finances, especially because I probably won't qualify for a lot of grant/need-based financial aid.
By the time I apply, my transcript should (hopefully) look like this:</p>

<p>Freshman year:
honors humanities I: A
honors geometry: A
biology: A
western civ I & II: A
french I: A
P.E.: A</p>

<p>Sophomore year:
advanced algebra: A
AP Euro: A
honors humanities II: A
honors chem: A
honors speech: A
graphics: A
health: A
french II: A
(Ranked #1 out of 426 both years)</p>

<p>Junior year:
AP chem
AP humanities III
journalism I
french III

<p>Senior Year:
AP calc
AP humanities IV
AP government
honors physics
creative writing
french IV

tennis for 4 years (varsity three of them)
DCP safe (3 years)
president of SADD (3 years)
student council (3 years)
free-lance for yearbook (1 year)
volunteered at a camp which helps children with disabilities (3 years)
volunteered at a local museum (3 years)
hopefully will make NHS next year (our school only lets juniors and seniors apply)
french club (4 years)</p>

<p>My predicted ACT score from the PLAN test was a 26-30. Hopefully it'll be closer to 30 because I'm planning on taking an ACT-prep class.</p>

<p>I can write pretty decent essays and will get 2 or 3 letters of recommendation. My dad passed away from cancer when I was 8 and I have two older brothers with autism.
Do you think I'll be able to get some scholarships or grants? I know public schools don't offer as many but I'm still hopeful.
Thank you!!</p>

<p>The odds of getting any money are very small at Wisconsin, especially as an out of state student. Unless you would qualify for financial aid, there’s little merit $ available…if you are an under-represented minority, there might be some hope.</p>

<p>My advice to you is to go back to being a sophomore, work hard on getting the best grades possible, and start worrying about college in another 12-14 months. While some students actually know their top choice early, things change, so don’t sweat it yet.</p>

<p>I’m sure several people will disagree with me. There’s plenty of time to agonize over this stuff. Keep your life balanced by working hard on your grades, and having fun.</p>

<p>Ok, no need to be condescending. Thanks.</p>

<p>My apologies. That wasn’t my intent. Just trying to give you honest feedback. I wish you the best.</p>

<p>Don’t stress about college now. Do finish the 4 years of French- it can meet college graduation requirements. Keep up your grades but also enjoy yourself.</p>

<p>I am enjoying myself lol and I will. Thanks.</p>