
I was postponed to UW-Madison, and I submitted my mid-year grades on February 9th or 10th. I went to check my status today, I clicked on mid-year grades and it said "press submit." WHAT DO I DO?! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!</p>

<p>The people who answer the phone in the admissions office are very friendly and helpful. Can you try calling tomorrow and ask? Just explain that you submitted midyear grades on February 9th but that it’s not clear when you log in if they have been received. It’s best if you call your self (not your mom or dad):</p>

<p>Admissions Office Phone:</p>


<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>Thank you very much! Will admissions be able to do anything to help this situation, or is it too late if the grades were never processed/received?</p>

<p>Posted this on another thread…check above your reported grades and the status should say “submitted”. We have the submit button there to push, but the status says submitted, so I assume it is just a quirk in their system and I did not resubmit.</p>