
<p>ok, im freaking out, im an international student and i JUST found out that applcn deadline is jan1 fr most colleges. i have yet 2 get recommendations, give the toefl... do u think its possible fr me to do all this in time?
my scores are:
sat 1 : 2280(math:740, writing:740 critical reading:800)
and sat2:

<p>do i stand a chance at the ivies? can i get a merit based scholarship?</p>

<p>Do you have the colleges identified that you want to apply to?</p>

<p>The standard text on all applications is that they expect you to have all application materials submitted by the deadline. However, if you have the application submitted and the application fee paid by the deadline; the other stuff like teacher apps can come along later.</p>

<p>Deadlines can vary from Dec 1st to Feb 15th, or can just be rolling so that you apply at any time. It is true that a lot of the super competitive colleges have deadlines around the beginning of January. The postmark date on the envelope is probably what matters. You can apply online. Look into using the common app. Some colleges have two part forms where you complete your name and address info on Part 1 and they then mail you Part 2 to be filled out.</p>

<p>You SAT scores would put you in the running at any of the top colleges. They won't split hairs between a 1540/1600 and a 1580/1600. However, after a person in the running at any of the top 12-15 schools, the decision is based on their being a unique individual based upon their extracurriculars, essays, and recs. Among the completely outstanding applicants, they can only take about one out of every five who have unbelieveable applications.</p>

<p>The vast majority of finan aid in the US is based on need. International students may not qualify for need-based aid at some colleges. Merit based aid is less likely and is usually used to lure the very top applicants away from better schools. You have excellent test scores and you might qualify for merit based aid somewhere. You might try posting something on the Finan Aid forum.</p>

<p>i am extremely interested in joining Johns Hopkins pre med</p>

<p>Pre med isn't a major, but a pre-professional program. You can major in anything and still be pre-med, but typical majors for pre-med are biology or chemistry. You would just apply to Hopkins' school of Arts and Sciences. The deadline is January 1st to have everything in. I would proceed as quickly as possible, but the important thing is to have Part 1 and Part 2 of the application form along with the application fee in by January 1st. The Hopkins website is <a href=""&gt;;/a>. The applications page is:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You can apply online or download and print the application forms at this website. You can use Hopkins app form or the common app along with Hopkins supplement to the common app. There are two essays. Essays typically take the most time.</p>

<p>Your test scores are well within the range to be considered. You want to make yourself appear unique. Colleges do not want well rounded applicants. They want people with long-term committment and "passion" in one or two activities. Use the essays to look unique and then the recs and any awards that you may have will back it up. Hopkins and schools like it are not a guarantee for anybody. Find some other schools to apply to. I'll mention Emory in Atlanta as a possiblity that you could probably get into. Emory is one of the best med schools in the country.</p>

<p>Finan aid is a different matter for international students. Hopkins has a special form for international applicants. That doesn't have to be in by Jan 1st, but you should do it as soon as possible.</p>

<p>I have addressed this to Hopkins, but the same issues apply to other schools. Incidently, Hopkins is known as having extremely competitive pre-med students who describe the environment on campus as being cutthroat.</p>

<p>ive heard that its very hard for international students to get admission in a med school in the US. Is that true? Also.. ive got an 800 in the verbal in SAT1
do i need to give the TOEFL?</p>

<p>Nah, you don't need the TOEFL if your SAT verbal is over 600. Go get them recommendation letters ASAP!</p>

<p>thanx fr the help... btw what bout the med schools... is it true tht its really hard to get in if ure an international student?</p>

<p>I don't know about med school for international students. It is nearly impossible for anyone. Of course, you aren't applying to a med school yet. You are just applying to an undergrad school and want to be pre-med. Anyone can be pre-med just by taking the right courses as an undergrad.</p>