
<p>Hi - I take running start. It's been stressing me out, as it wasn't as "easy" as I imagined it to be. I got a 83 on one essay, which as pulled my grade as a 93, which is a 3.8. My mom keeps scaring me, saying that it is a shame for me to get that and more. It's REALLY scaring me. I have two more essays and it keeps stressing me out. If I don't get a 100 on both then I will get below a 4.0 GPA for my FIRST college class which is on my transcript forever.</p>

<p>Should I be stressing THIS much? I just finished crying because if I get below a 95 I can just imagine what's going to follow - arguments, calling me names, etc. And I feel so bad if I don't get an A.</p>

<p>It’s just a score. It’s not going to ruin you for college. </p>

<p>And, pardon me for saying so, but your mother is being cruel and vicious. If she calls you names and abuses you, you tell her to go back to school and try to do what you are doing. is your Mom a tiger Mom?</p>

<p>The colleges understand that your high school grades are impacted by multiple factors. That’s why they ask about other things in your life-EC’s or extra-curriculars. They also ask for counselor input. Just do your best and learn from it.</p>

<p>Presumably you’re in this program to be challenged, so there’s no reason to be upset by a grade slightly lower than what you would have gotten if you were in easier high school classes. College is different from high school and it’s not as likely that you’ll do well on every assignment—it sucks that your mom is making you feel bad about this, but you shouldn’t let it affect you too much.<br>

I’m not sure how Running Start works, but are you referring to your high school transcript or your permanent college transcript? Graduate/professional school programs will require you to submit transcripts documenting all the college classes you’ve ever taken, so in some sense it’s true that this grade will be with you forever, but it probably won’t be calculated into your GPA at the undergraduate college you end up attending. Many colleges award transfer credit without recording the (passing) letter grade. </p>

<p>Is that how your CC calculates GPA? Because as a college class, your letter grade would be submitted (even for DE classes). So if it’s a DE class and you get a 93 in the course, it may still count as a 4.0 on your CC transcript, even if it’s not that way for your high school transcript.</p>