
<p>I was just about to post my deposit and I read the statement of intent part: </p>

<p>I will enroll at Carnegie Mellon University for Fall, 2006. I understand that I must notify all of the other colleges and universities which I have been admitted to of my decision to enroll.</p>


<p>I will not post an enrollment deposit at any other institution other than Carnegie Mellon.</p>

<p>First off which one should I select? Secondly if I select one of the 2 does it mean that if I'm taken off a waitlist, I won't be able to attend that school?</p>

<p>i selected both. u can be on a waiting list because colleges TELL you to enroll in a backup college when you are put on a waiting list in case u don't get in.</p>

<p>I thought that you would just check it and if you got off the waitlist you would BREAK IT by accepting another school and therefore lose your deposit money of 500 dollars.</p>

<p>ok good, I'm being paraniod, no overparaniod </p>

<p>I think I'm gonna be a Tartan : )</p>

<p>At least you know the right name. I've heard kids go "I'm gonna be a Carnie!" and people just look at 'em weird. "You're gonna join the circus, what?"</p>

<p>lol good to know I got off on the right foot</p>

<p>i only selected the first one?.... lol ... i got my welcome packet and everything though. This won't affect my chances with housing or anything right?</p>