
<p>I am an African American high school junior in MD. I am currently enrolled in the full IB Diploma (aka 6 really hard classes in 11th and 12th grade). I screwed up freshman and sophmore year but took most honors and pre-IB classes. </p>

<p>Freshman year 2.28
Sophmore year 2.71</p>

<p>If I were to bust my behind and get a 3.71+ junior and senior year. With a 31 or 32 ACT score, 450 volunteer hours at a hospital, and 5 clubs 11th and 12th grade, great recs, and great essay. (Probably going to travel to Africa next summer and help the sick and poor in case that helps). Do i have a chance to getting into UM. By the way I plan on going to Med School and doing PreMed at UM. I know my stats are low but will the turn around count for anything.</p>

<p>Nobody is responding so I will try to help you out. But remember, I am not an expert. What is your weighted GPA? If you are in honors classes already you might have a <em>B weighted</em> gpa. Now if you work really hard junior year that might push you up to a B+ weighted gpa. While you are in junior year try to find a passion that might give you a hook. Do something amazing instead of doing generic clubs that will probably get you nowhere. For instance, I started my own business. I want to major in business at the U, and I hope this will help me a lot. Good luck!</p>