<p>I am a high school junior. I have a 4.3 on a 4.0 scale (3.98 unweighed). I have won awards for my academics and a few of my literary works have been selected to appear in my school's literary magazine. I am vice president of our school's Diversity Club, corresponding secretary of History Club, and a member of Art Club (I will join NHS next year also). I participate in artistic roller skating, and practice about three hours everyday; with this I have won seven national and regional metals. For community service, I work as an assistant for my former chemistry teacher Wednesday's after school, I volunteer at the Michigan Humane Society every weekend, I teach a roller skating for beginners class, and when I turn sixteen I will start volunteering and job shadowing at the hospital near my house. Also, this summer I am doing a medical program at Michigan Tech, next summer I will probably do a study abroad or something like that.
I know I will have great recs, and I am taking the ACT for the first time in September.
PLEASE PLEASE chance me</p>
<p>Do you have any results from standardized tests so far? For example, have you taken the PSAT's? Your record looks very good but it is hard to compare you to the general population at any of the schools you have an interest in wihtout some kind of a standardized reference point. If you don't have results from the PSAT's, it would even be helpful to know your percentile scores on standardized tests from middle school.</p>
<p>I have not taken the PSAT... but in the 9th and 10th grade we had to take the Plan and the Explore test and I scored above average in everything.</p>
<p>To get some idea on chances you need to take those scores and use them to predict your ACT score. The test booklets may tell you how to do this. If not, if they give you a percentile score against the college bound population you can go to the ACT web site and back into a probable ACT score range. You can then compare that range to the published ranges on a number of web sites, to give yourself some idea of your chances. Or if you have taken some practice ACT tests you could use those scores.</p>
<p>27-30... thanks</p>
<p>I'd say that right now, at the high end of that range, you would be an average student at Emory. Assuming that you are not an under-represented minority or a legcacy (and that there is no intercollegiate competition in your sport) that would make it somewhere between a match and a reach school for you. If you can bring your ACT score up to 32 or better, I'd say it would be a match.</p>