<p>Georgetown is my dream and I was rejected. I am going to Loyola College in Maryland next year. Is it a good possibility that I will be able to transfer pending a high gpa. i was in the top 10% of my hs class and 1240 SAT's my downfall. Do I need extracurriculars while at Loyola? Please help!</p>
<p>Relax. First off, give Loyola a chance. You may find that you actually like it there. If you do decide that it's not the right fit or that Georgetown has much more to offer, then transfer. Don't worry about whether you'll "need" extracurriculars. Find something that you are passionate about and devote a portion of your life to it. This will be meaningful to you regardless of transferring, and it will give you something to put on an application and write an essay about. As for the SAT, it will probably help to have a higher score.</p>
<p>You need to also rationalize why Georgetown is your dream school. Do you just want the name? A particular field of study that only they can offer you? Overrated basketball team?</p>
<p>If you cling to Georgetown you're just going to become a shallow and miserable soul at Loyola who isn't giving it a fair shot.</p>
<p>It's not the name of the school its the location the quality of the education and the overall feel of the school. my brother went to loyola so i know a lot about it and i am giving it a fair chance. georgetown has been my dream for my life i am looking for advice to be an attractive transfer. i talked to a georgetown adcom and she said that sats are weighed much less than college gpa</p>
<p>You need to reconcile reality with your dreams. Try hard, be a good person, pursue your interests, and one of the following is most likely to happen:
-You become an attractive transfer to Georgetown
-You excel at Loyala, make great friends, and have a great life afterwards
-You find something or some place other than Loyola or Georgetown that suits your interests.</p>
<p>Thank you so much that was great advice and it was comforting. I am going in positively with and open mind. I just think I am going to keep my options open. Hope to keep in contact with the board in the future.</p>
<p>So...if you don't mind me asking...what would you change about Loyola if given the opportunity? Your answer would surely help those considering the Loyola option. My son is trying to choose between several colleges.</p>