<p>I am really having trouble making a decision. I have been accepted at Vanderbilt, University of Virginia, Washington and Lee, Sewanee, Denison, Kenyon, Boston College, and Haverford; and been waitlisted at Williams and Amherst. Any suggestions? Thanks</p>
<p>Of the schools you already have, I would recommend UVA or Haverford the most (depending on fit)...closely followed by Vanderbilt. If you get Amherst or Williams, my recommendation would obviolusly change.</p>
<p>What are you looking to major in? What kind of students do you want to spend 4 years with? Does location matter to you? Size of the college?
A little more information would be useful....</p>
<p>Wow all those schools are very differnt. Some things to take into consideration when making your decision:
Washington and Lee: 80% greek! makes a huge difference in social life
Vanderbilt: Known for law and engineering programs. Definately southern
Haverford: EXTREMELY liberal!
UVA: Large student body and campus
If you recieved any scholarships, that should seriously be taken into consideration, especially if you want to go to grad school.</p>