
<p>Pretty much I need to decide if I’m going ed2 by today. I was deferred from brown early, but i know that a ton of kids from my school will be applying regular and they’re all really smart. I absolutely love bowdoin, but I’m not sure if I love it enough to go ed2 instead of waiting on brown, dartmouth, georgetown, etc. I have a few questions about bowdoin and if someone (or a lot of people) could answer them that would be awesome! As many responses as possible are much appreciated.</p>

<p>1) I live in NYC…i’m worried that I may get a little bored at bowdoin, even though I love the idea of a small town. What do you guys think about the small town thing? Are there always things to do, esp. for someone like me who isn’t a big drinker?</p>

<p>2) I’ve heard that although the academics are amazing and it’s a great education, the classes are super rigorous and students consistently put in 15 hours workdays during the week. I’ve also heard that As are really really hard to come by. What’s the deal at bowdoin with the amount of homework/average grades?</p>

<p>thank you guys so much!!! answers asap would be best!!</p>

<p>also, does it matter a lot whether I go ed2 or regular??</p>

<p>1) bowdoin won’t be much different from dartmouth in terms of things to do (although dartmouth has more students it is in a smaller town and community than bowdoin) i found there was more than enough to do and most nyc kids are fine (after they adjust to quiet of the environment at night). i didn’t drink at bowdoin and there was a large community of students who didn’t. i tended to throw myself into my classes, though, so i didn’t need constant social stimulation. but the outing club is extremely active and the school routinely sponsors lectures, forums, performances, concerts…ultimately, there is an awful lot to do. </p>

<p>2) perspectives on the workload at bowdoin differ depending on whom you ask. some of my friends had a very difficult time, but i think they would have a difficult time at any of the schools you’re also considering. bowdoin is difficult but it isn’t difficult for the sake of being difficult. academically it is no more challenging than the other schools on your list. </p>

<p>ed2 would be an advantage, i imagine, so i think it’s important for you to consider whether you really want to go. if you’re unsure, i would say err on the side of applying regular decision.</p>

<p>2) Alot of kids at Bowdoin talk about the Bowdoin ‘B.’ From everything I’ve heard it is very difficult to get an A, but grad schools know this. I don’t think the hard grading at Bowdoin will hurt you down the line.</p>

<p>If you really feel like you need a hit of a city Portland, while no where near big city status, has a definite city feel to it. And if you want something big, Boston is a 2 hours away. So you could go there for a weekend if you wanted to.
Im not a drinker either and I’m not worried about finding things to do at all. The Outing Club is huge and have lots of expeditions…and someone correct me if im wrong but there is no drinking on those trips. So I would guess that there are lots of people out doing outdoorsy stuff on the weekends not just partying</p>

<p>i dont know about bowdoin’s regulations on drinking on outing trips…but realistically…beer/liquor + backpacking (or canoeing/skiing/whatever) = doubtful</p>

<p>I’m not at the school so I can’t tell you about grades. BUT I’ve lived in SF, NYC, and now I’m in London so I get the whole “from a big city what am I gonna do in Brunswick” thing. but to be honest, for me I consider it a new opportunity. That sounds really corny but I think it’ll be cool to be able to diff kinds of things. Its not as if it is impossible to get to places either. </p>

<p>For me, I like the idea of living in a rural place seeing as I’ve done the whole big city thing. Anyways, all I know is that Bowdoin students are know to work hard, play hard. Which is what I’m looking for. Good luck deciding! I’m sure you’ll make the best choice for you. If your really unsure then maybe you should consider RD instead of EDII. good luck anyways!</p>