<p>Hey, guys. I have a question regarding FAFSA. When it asks you what colleges you want the FAFSA report to be sent to, you just put down all the colleges, but is that in the order of importance?? Because if so, I messed up with it so bad. In my case, I apply to 10 colleges in total, and I didn't put them in the order of importance. I orignally wanted to, but then since there were some school's FAFSA codes I wasn't clear at the time, so I put the ones I knew first and after I found out the others, I then put the others down. I applied to ivys, but I only put one of them as the first one, and the other one is like the 7th place. I was so worried now coz I know all those colleges can see your list. However, since both of them also ask for profile, and it asks you clearly for first, second choice, then I will just put these two down as my top choices to make up for it??</p>
<p>I work in financial aid. I can tell you that not only do I not care about which college you put first … but I don’t even look.</p>
<p>But do only people in Financial Aid department see FAFSA or they are also passed down to undergraduate admission people.</p>
<p>I suppose it depends on the school. Where I work, the admissions people do not have access to the financial aid info. Some schools may look at where you sent your FAFSA - but I would bet most are just too busy with other things to look at that.</p>
<p>So if you really look at it, do you think the colleges they listed are in the order of importance?</p>
<p>Believe me, no one in their right mind is going to care about this. The list could be alphabetical, geographical, or even typed in by someone’s friend/family member/guidance counselor who doesn’t know which school is the student’s favorite.</p>
<p>First of all, my list is obviously not alphabetical or geographical, it just spreads everywhere. Because when I was doing it, I didn’t see it said in the order of importance. I was just curious yesterday, so I went on a website and it says to put in the order of importance for all the colleges you apply, so that’s why I got so worried all of a sudden.</p>