
<p>I am in a realllly weird situation right now, and idk if there is a right solution or answer to my "dilemma" if you want to call it. Basically, I declined my admission to Northwestern a couple of weeks ago and had to enroll at another university, which happens to be an ivy league school. However, I keep on thinking that I made the wrong decision. It came down to money basically, and one was a lot cheaper for me. My dad makes a lot of money, and we live like rich ppl, but my dad also has a lot of expenses and also medical expenses for one of my family members. I am also one of a few other children and my dad could not afford the entire Northwestern bill and after financial aid, NW gave us 5,000 in loans and nothing else. By going to Northwestern, I would end up with about 60,000 of debt and the other school, I am attending, I will end up with O debt. However, Northwestern was my first choice after not getting into my first choice ed, deferred, and later waitlisted. Since I applied for FA very late at NW, I got a decision and this was like 2 days before the deadline. However, I spoke to the admissions ppl and to the director, he was all matter a fact and didn't care and said I would have to deposit or forfeit my spot. I told him my situation and he was like that's life and you can deposit and then appeal your FA. However, I could not take the chance of double deposition b/c I could potentially lose both spots b/c its supposedly "illega" to do that, even though NW encouraged me to do that. The other option was depositing at NW and taking my chances with the financial aid. As of now, I am not entirely happy with my decision b/c I feel it came down to money and I am realllly having second thoughts and am really ambivalent right now. I have come to hate the system as a result b/c I do not think its fair at all. My dad does make a lot of money, but he only has allotted so much money for every kid, and going to NW would leave me with 60,000 worth of debt, which is A LOT of money. However, I think I would be happier at NW. I do not know what to do, time is ticking, and I have no clue what to do. HELP!!!!</p>

<p>Honey, I'm sorry. What school did you choose instead? You made up your mind. It's too late to forfeit the decision. If you really think Northwestern is your ultimate destination, transfer for sophomore year. I'm sure you will be fine where you're heading in the fall.</p>

<p>first, u need to get to a shrink real quick ;-)
and frankly , in between full ride at cornell and northwestern with almost no money dont really see how there could be any doubt in ur mind... anyways, at this point its probably too late to do anything so enjoy wherever u chose and thats it..</p>

<p>How would the adcom at NU react if you changed your decision? Would they allow you to enroll? Have you spoken to your guidance counselor?</p>

<p>Cornell's NYS schools have specific requirements; for example ILR students must enroll in Human Resources courses. Is this a factor?</p>

<p>Regardless, both are excllent schools.</p>

<p>actually, I did call Northwestern, the guy, sympathetic of the situation said there was nothing he could do, at first, he was like hold on, and didn't say No..., but after he got on the phone, he said there was nothing he could do b/c Northwestern is FULL right now, and they do not have any "spots" left supposedly. BTW, this is the real joke, b/c I did not think I would do this, but since I am going to Cornell, I am a 99 percent transfering over to Arts and Science at Cornell b/c these state supproted schools do not have any majors that I like as of now. Therefore, the price tag will rise to the same level as Northwestern....</p>