
<p>So… I got accepted to management at okanagen and it says my suppliment is being reviewed for vancouver…
on the ‘accept or decline’ page it ask me first, to accept or decline my okanagen offer and then choose whether i still want to be considered for vancouver…</p>

<p>I do want to be considered for vancouver but do not want to commit myself to okanagen…
and if submit the form without accepting or declining, it wont get submitted…</p>

<p>anyone been in this situation??</p>

<p>hoped someone would reply cause it looks like a complicated situation, but why not leave it alone till vancouver decides? why not just check your status, not even mind with ssc till vancouver makes a decision. ubc gives us till june to accept there offer, so it really shouldnt be a problem…or is it more than i think it is?</p>

<p>The text was hinting that they would not go ahead and consider my app for vancouver unless I indicated that I wanted them to. and it would not let me indicate that without making a decision.</p>

<p>Anyway, I did not want to go to okanagan. It was vancouver or nothing for me :)</p>

<p>i understand that feeling, i didnt even apply to okanagan… this is what i would do, call them, make sure there aware of your worries…i cant even count how many times i bothered them, but its a lot more comforting than emailing when you know your getting the answers you need right there and then. the wait on the phone can be a little long sometimes, but wait it out, they usually helped me and stuff like 99% of the time.</p>

<p>yeah the guy who came to our school to sell UBC was way chill… I had lunch with him so I emailed him and he sorted it out for me… He said it is being reviewed and theyll make a decision real soon…</p>

<p>I have other worries now… cornell waitlist… :S</p>

<p>wow waitlist at cornell is really impressive, you will def get into ubcvancouv, i got waitlisted at dartmouth…but i rlly shouldnt have applied there, its cold and in the middle of nowhere. </p>

<p>wow whats next on my to do list is to actually visit the campus and city, ive actually never been.</p>