<p>Alright, during my Freshman year of HS, to be honest, I didn't do too well.</p>
<p>My overrall average for the year was a 83, which I guess equivalates to something above a 3.0.</p>
<p>Anyways, my schedule will potentially look like this:</p>
<p>US History 11
Chemistry 11
English Honors
Math A3/Math B
<p>AP US History
AP Bio
AP English
AP Spanish
<p>AP Calculus
AP Physics</p>
<p>Along with that, I'll also have:</p>
<p>500 hrs of community service
Job at New York Hall of Science
National Honor Society
Debate Team
Music (i play tenor sax)
Volunteer Counselor at Summer Camp</p>
<p>Now, if I were to pull off a good score on the SAT (i.e - 2250 +), do well in the AP classes, and do all of the extracurriculars above, would I have a good shot of getting into brown or cornell?
Writing is my true strong suit, by the way.</p>