Helping others while making enough money to live comfortably?

<p>This question is more about career choice than major choice, but they're related so I thought this would be the best place.</p>

<p>I know I want to help people in my career. My interests lie in psychology, neuroscience, social work, peer advocacy, that sort of thing. I would love to incorporate music in my life as well, but it doesn't need to be in my job.</p>

<p>In my search for the right career path, I've discovered a sad truth: helping others isn't rewarded very well. At least not financially. I don't need to be rich, but having grown up with my mom's social worker salary as the main source of income I've realize that life would be much better with just that extra bit of money to be able to fall back on.</p>

<p>What do you think are some careers which are helpful to society and rewarding personally but also make a decent amount of money? What "helping professions" make the most money?</p>

<p>Some of my thoughts have included being a physician, a therapist, a psychology researcher, a human resources manager (but this seems most often to be corrupt), or a guidance counselor.</p>

<p>Social worker, psychiatrist</p>

<p>my cousin got her BA in psych/sociology (double major) and then her masters in counseling services work from Oswego. She is working for a year in a school for disabled children before applying for her phd.</p>

<p>Marylandmike obviously didn't read through the whole post :)</p>