<p>Each year, my English teacher has her senior students write a persuasive essay about something in the school that they think needs to be changed. This is the batch of essays that the administration reads to check that her grading is fair, and in previous years some strong ideas have been put into effect. I really want mine to be good- I feel very strongly about my issue, and I'd love to leave a lasting mark on my high school.</p>
<p>I've chosen to write about our guidance counselors. I will be arguing that my high school needs more of them with better training in order to provide adequate support for students applying to college. In addition, the school's organization of transcript and recommendation letters is in dire need of updating: Currently all rec letters are paper-clipped together and stored in cardboard boxes, without even file folders. Some students' applications arrived at their college including recommendations for the wrong students, and my own application for the University of Chicago was missing my science recommendation. Exactly one person takes care of sending all rec letters and transcripts.</p>
<p>My school has around 325 people per class, and three guidance counselors serve the entire student body. Students are assigned one meeting with their counselor each semester, and many students are not aware that they can request additional consultations. The counselors spend a lot of time dealing with "problem students," and are not as well trained in college counseling. By that I mean that one of my classmates told me (hearsay, I know- but I believe him) that when he asked his counselor for suggestions of small liberal arts colleges, she told him that she didn't know exactly what a "liberal arts" college was. My counselor had no suggestions beyond the state system when I told her I didn't want to go to a Catholic college (my high school is Catholic). Especially in light of the fact that many of our students are first-generation college applicants without parents who can show them the ropes, I feel that this performance is unacceptable.</p>
<p>My substitute counselor last fall (came out of retirement for the semester while my counselor was on maternity leave) was great- very experienced, supportive, full of suggestions, and quick to research the answers to my questions (For example, would it be wise for me to take the Math 2 SAT-II instead of Math 1?). </p>
<p>What do you expect of your guidance counselors? How did yours help you in the college application process? How many students does each counselor advise?</p>
<p>Thank you so much in advance for your thoughts! As I mentioned in the topic, input from professional guidance counselors is especially appreciated.</p>