Here to help new comers with Q&A

<p>hsseniorlooking, perhaps I was too strong with my last statement and am sorry for having offended you, although your quip was equally, if not more rude than mines. I'm not trying to pull it off as absolute truth that the rudeness of Bostonians > rudeness of New Yorkers, but this is just my experience. I have even met a person from Mass (but outside Boston) who agrees with this sentiment along with other people from around the country. On the other hand, New Yorkers have a rude rep which is sometimes deserved but sometimes is unfair. My post was merely an prompt to exchange some stories about rude experiences people have had in NYC, Boston or wherever. Hope this calms you down.</p>

<p>I'm not saying NYU students are "rude". I said they're not down to earth and are pseudo-intellectuals. I prefer more down to earth people, who are few and far between here.</p>

<p>Hi out the HEOP/C-step summer program
i suppose that journalism and poli-sci are in CAS, correct? i believe so. then you'll take the same classes as CAS students regardless of major...hmm, i doubt there's anything special you have to take. You'll have to take Math (you'll take a placement exam that'll show which math, I tool Quantitative reasoning which is like the basic kind offered, simply b/c i can't do math for my life), then you'll have Prose Wriiting--all heop and cstep students have to take prose writing and NOT writing the essay which is what everyone else at NYU takes. Don't know the difference, but it's supposed to be geared toward ppl who have more needs in writing than others, non heop or cstep...b/c the assumption is that most of those in the program didn't go to such fancy schools and perhaps cannot write as well as the university demands they do...which is a bit untrue b/c i know plenty of ppl that are terrible writers and hate writing and I can do much better than they!
then you'll take Conversations of the West, which is very usefull b/c you'll have to take that class again for NYU requirements, so you'll have at least some of the reading done. i loved that class both in the summer and regular program! the classes are not hard, but heop/cstep profs are different and have different requirements.
there're no classes on fridays and you might have those long 4 hours breaks in between classes. i did.
the program could be tedious, but it's not that bad. also, don't expect for NYU to be so chilled out and empty as you see during the summer. you might be shocked to find realllyyyyyyy long lines to take the elevator and realllyyyyy anxious security guards telling all the freshman to go to the back of the line...b/c not knowing what the line's for, they just go for the elevator... :-)</p>

<p>What if I applied to CAS and want to major in film?
Would it be easier to transfer to Tisch or to do one major in CAS and one in Tisch?</p>

<p>CAS. You can only double major within CAS, so you cannot major in film.
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
TISCH. You can have another major in CAS.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Hope this answers your question.</p>