hey chance me please!!:)

<p>hey guys!
so i have applied to two colleges already and I'm really excited!
Here are my stats:</p>

<p>1340/1600 M + V. and 2040/2400 on the whole SAT (Essay was a 10). And I got composite score of 32/36 on the ACT (Essay was a 10).
My GPA weighted is 4.10 and unweighted is 3.85/4.00.
AP Physics-4
AP Gov- 4
AP Econ - 5
I'm taking AP Psychology and AP Calculus this year. I've taken almost all Honors courses otherwise.</p>

Marching Band-Section Leader
Jazz Band
Pep Band - President
National Honors Society
A Cappella Choir
Concert Choir
Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra-Librarian
Spring Musical
Spring Track and Field
Region Orchestra
Fellowship of Christian Athletes- President</p>

Lifeguard at Town Pool for past three years</p>

Volunteered at my church for a whole week straight in the summer and occasionally on Sunday mornings</p>

<p>Also, I volunteered at a Syndrome Conference over the summer for a week where you volunteer to help kids with a really bad infectious disease.</p>

<p>I have applied to my top school which is Grove City College under Early Decision. I know most of you have probably never heard of it, but just wondering what other people think about chances. Thanks for your time!</p>

<p>I checked out collegeboard.com’s profile of Grove City college, and I think you’re in very good shape. Both your GPA and SATs are well above average, and your interest in music (which your extracurricular activities make evident) makes you unique as a student.</p>

<p>Good luck on your ED application. Acceptance would be a great Christmas present, right?</p>

<p>Oh–and here’s the profile: [College</a> Search - Grove City College - GCC - At a Glance](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>

<p>hey thanks!
yeah that would be such a great present! haha thanks</p>

<p>I also think that you have a pretty good chance :slight_smile: good luck!</p>

<p>I have heard positive comments on Grove City. I think you have very good chances also. Best of luck!</p>

<p>hey thanks nish and poi!
yeah i love grove city, most people have never heard of it, but it is just an amazing small school out in western pennsylvania and i LOVE it!</p>


<p>bumpitty bump bump</p>