<p>I would like to ask any CUNY students about which school you took your Physics I course and if your professor was good. I'm currently at Queens College and when I attempted to take physics, I didn't think Klarfeld was good. Also, please let me know if you tried taking physics with or without calculus.</p>
<p>I know that the majority of the people on the forum here will tell me to study the text book and I'll be fine, but I think the professor is extremely important as well. Nevertheless, I'm just the type of person that doesn't understand the text book but I understand the professor (obviously the professor gives it to the class with his/her words, which to me, is easier to understand than reading the text book).</p>
<p>There is algebra-based physics and calculus-based physics. You can’t take the latter one without having calculus 1 as pre-or co-requisite. In most school it should be a pre-requisite.</p>
<p>I am a CCNY student so I can’t comment on the professors from QC.
I agree with you. I normally read textbook, go to lecture, and surf the net for more references.</p>
<p>Here is a great site for general physics student who are taking calculus-based physics. Well actually it’s fine for alegbra-based as well - as long as you ignore the calculus side.
[Physics</a> Study Guides](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/207ccny]Physics”>http://■■■■■■■.com/207ccny)</p>
<p>How are the professors at CCNY for physics? That’s what I was trying to ask. Also, I am currently taking Calculus 3 so I should be fine (hopefully, though my grades aren’t all that great).</p>
<p>I think the professors are great. However, some might not be really good at teaching. That’s just how I felt for one or two of them.
Physics 1 and 2 - remember to check ratemyprofessor for the choice of professor.</p>
<p>In the past the physics department is really strong. 3 Nobel Prize Physics winners received their B.S. Physics from CCNY. </p>
<p>For this kind of inquiry, feel free to shoot me a PM.</p>