Hey Engineers, go to Engineering Expo tomorrow

<p>Even if you're a freshman who isn't sure you actually want to do an internship this summer (WHICH YOU DO) you should go and hopefully meet a couple people. Whip up a decent resume with whatever you've done up to this point, including high school stuff if you're a freshman (but probably not if you aren't, unless it's really relevant) and hand it out to whoever will take it. You never know what might happen now, or down the line.</p>

<p>That, and you'll get to see me if you stumble upon the right booth. It'll be nice to be on the employed side of the table for once. :)</p>

<p>w00 expo! Really enjoyed it last year and I’d be going if I still wasn’t on the co-op that came out of it :-)</p>

<p>If you’re nervous, or even if you’re not, I recommend snooping a bit on some upperclassmen talking to companies. Rather than going to the company you really want to talk to first (which you’ve no doubt done your research for) and potentially blowing it, see what the veterans do and figure out what’s effective/ineffective. Don’t breathe down their neck, but you can stand close by and listen without looking like you’re eavesdropping.</p>

<p>Send follow-up emails to any recruiters you talk to! They’ll probably be back at least one more time (Spring) and a follow-up should help them remember you. A good amount of recruiters are VT alums and want to help you out; make it easy for them. Don’t get discouraged if you’re a freshman, just show you have drive and good experiences (if you do) and that’ll help too. It’s an uphill fight the younger you are, but still worth a shot if only for the experience interviewing.</p>

<p>For a lot of companies, you’ll submit a resume but also be asked to apply online. Don’t take that as a “no” since it’s really widespread and just part of the process.</p>

<p>I won’t be going because I will be leaving for two years come this summer but a sophmore across the hall just informed me that VT was ranked 5th in recruiting. So whatever may be at this expo is worth it if your going to be around during the summer for sure.</p>

<p>[Rankings</a> by Major - WSJ.com](<a href=“School Rankings by College Major – Job Recruiter Top Picks - WSJ”>School Rankings by College Major – Job Recruiter Top Picks - WSJ)</p>

<p>I know its for graduates but it still speaks volumes for Tech engineering and the influence it has on companies.</p>