Hey Everyone! Scholarship question!

<p>Hi. I am a current junior from Illinois. I have received a 30 ACT composite (34, 35, 25, 25) and I have a 4.83/5 UW GPA. I plan on majoring in either Bio or engineering. How much merit aid could I receive from Bama?</p>

<p>Congrats on your scores
You can get the UA Scholar Award which is 2/3 tuition for four years; however, I would encourage you to take it again and shoot for an ACT of 32 and up which qualifies you for the full tuition for four years called the Presidential Scholarship…ROLL TIDE</p>

<p>I’m not aware that the awards for Chris1995’s class have been finalized yet. </p>

<p>Here’s the link for the current incoming class awards.</p>

<p>[Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html]Out-of-State”>http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html)</p>

<p>yep, you definitely need to retake and up those last two sections!</p>

<p>If you major in engineering you’d get an engineering scholarship too. Currently, that would bump the 2/3 tuition to full tuition, plus add a $2500 supplement.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that at this point, we’re not sure what scholarships (or scores needed) will be offered during the next app cycle. (We don’t know if higher scores will be needed, we don’t know if the eng’g award will still exist, we don’t know if the amounts will change.) Therefore, it’s best to get the highest scores possible.</p>

<p>Here’s the link for the college of engineering awards: [Scholarships</a> - Undergraduate Students - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://eng.ua.edu/undergraduate/scholarships/]Scholarships”>Scholarships – College of Engineering | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>As noted above these are valid for the students who will be starting in the fall and the awards for next year may be the same or could change.</p>

<p>So currently with a GPA over 3.5 (at the end of junior year, senior year grades are not calculated) and a 30 ACT with an engineering major you qualify for full tuition renewable for 8 semesters and an additional $2500/year stipend that can be used towards fees and living expenses. The other risk in choosing not to retake the ACT/SAT is if you begin as an engineering major and then decide to change, you loose the 1/3 tuition supplement and the additional stipend. That being said, my son is attending on the UA scholar award + engineering supplement because he was confident in his choice of major. (If you begin as a bio major and then change to engineering you will NOT get the additional award as they are only for incoming freshmen.)</p>

<p>Also keep in mind that UA does not ‘super score’, so the composite score considered for scholarships is the highest composite score you receive during a single testing session.</p>

<p>^^^ My two cents. There has been speculation that the ACT levels may shift for the awards, but at this point it is only that … speculation. For those new here or lurking, it’s not like these levels have been changing every year. The only recent change has been for NMFs now only receiving 1 year of housing and an iPad instead of 4 years of housing and a laptop. My son is personally hoping the levels remain the same for the next App season when he will be applying! :slight_smile: Keeping our fingers crossed. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Any idea when the 2014 info will be out? Hoping the $$$ doesn’t change! :)</p>

<p>Hoping here too beadymom and dad2ild! The application for 2014-2015 comes out in late June or Early July. I am hoping any changes to scholarships will be posted by then!</p>

<p>Last year, the scholarship changes came out in late July, after the application. </p>

<p>Huntsville’s changes came out in late November - long after their application was out.</p>

<p>I recommend re-taking the ACT and trying the SAT. The cost for these exams and time spent is well worth the payoff if you receive a scholarship.</p>