<p>hey guys so i got a 26 on the act with out any prep. I need a 30 be december and i wanted to now if its realistic and how should i study for it, il do anything for a 30 i really want this.... thanks guys ..so just tell me what to do and if its possible!!!!</p>
<p>Sure it’s doable, but you had better spend most of your waking hours doing practice tests.</p>
<p>very realistic. i did like 3 practice tests over the summer using the red book. got a 31 on my first real act. did a old act in school in a real testing enviorment and i had a 27. practice does help.</p>
<p>Yes, it’s realistic. Just do some practice tests for the next couple weeks.</p>
<p>The English section is the easiest to prepare for and the easiest to improve upon. Make certain you know the rules for colons, dashes, and commas. Next, study the trig formulas. Know the sine rule A/a=B/b=C/c and the cosine rule. Know the trig coordinates in the circle if they give you an angle in the circle. People freak out over the trig questions, but they are really easy and if you get them correct, you get some big points which may help you get past the 30 level. On the Reading, use your common sense. On the science, read the questions carefully, make sure you understand the graphs and figures, and finish on time.</p>