Hey guys, I'm in desperate need for information. (help?)

<p>What's up, guys/gals? </p>

<p>Hoe-kay, let's get to it.</p>

<p>I'm an aspiring 17 year old from Ireland, Belfast to be specific, and my buddys' and I are desperate to attend college in the US.
Now, choice in subject isn't a problem, we all know what we wish to do but the application process is complicated. :S</p>

<p>We will be international students so the predominant qualifications will be:</p>

<p>Tests for International Students
Required: SAT Reasoning Test or ACT
TOEFL required of non-resident alien applicants
TOEFL (paper) minimum score: 500
TOEFL (computer) minimum score: 220
TOEFL (internet-based test) minimum score: 83
TOEFL (paper) average score: 601</p>

<p>Ok, now enough of what we both know.</p>

<p>My question are:</p>

<p>What is the process of applying successfully? What gives you the edge over others?
I read some fees and get the O_O!!!! look. SO EXPENSIVE, lol. So, how does financial aid work? I know only some colleges offer it to foreign students, but what makes you eligable and how do you find out?
Who would i seek advice from in my own country?
How would I support myself even when i begin college? (eating, living expenses, etc.)
How would I go about contacting colleges with information?
Would grades & school reports from MY COUNTRY be taken into account? If so, I was a bad ass immature ****. :[</p>

<p>I'll be back with more probably. </p>

<p>THANK YOU, my msn is on my profile page. </p>


<p>Hi! It is awesome that you want to travel abroad for your college experience!</p>

<p>What is the process of applying successfully? What gives you the edge over others?
I imagine the same for regular applicants. You will need high scores and good EC activities.</p>

<p>I read some fees and get the O_O!!! look. SO EXPENSIVE, lol. So, how does financial aid work? I know only some colleges offer it to foreign students, but what makes you eligable and how do you find out?
This will vary by college. You should send them an e-mail for more information. I do not think international students are eligible for FAFSA-geared loans and such.</p>

<p>Who would i seek advice from in my own country?
Guidance counselor, the US Embassy, etc.</p>

<p>How would I support myself even when i begin college? (eating, living expenses, etc.)
Get a visa and then get a job. Usually you must show proof that not only you can afford the tuition at the college, but also that you have enough money to support yourself without needing a job. (at least thats the way it is for US students going overseas)</p>

<p>How would I go about contacting colleges with information?
E-mail or contact forms on their websites.</p>

<p>Would grades & school reports from MY COUNTRY be taken into account?

<p>Unless you are brilliant enough to get into a college like Harvard (which accepts about 7 percent of its applicants, most of whom are outstanding), one of the few U.S. colleges that meets 100% of students’ documented financial need or unless you are so wealthy that your parents can pay $35,000 to $50,000 or so a year to cover your costs, going to college in the U.S. will remain just a dream.</p>

<p>Most U.S. colleges are not only expensive, but also they give no financial aid to internationals. </p>

<p>Be grateful that you live in a country where colleges probably are free or virtually free. That’s not the case in the U.S. – even for U.S. citizens. Most U.S. students graduate from college owing at least $17,000 in loans that helped cover their college expenses.</p>