hey :) interested in umich fall 09 transfer, could you chance me please ? :)

<p>Hey guys, so I was in the general transfer forum, and basically made the same post here, only that i was asking which schools i could transfer to. I am from sweden(but currently studying in the US) so i dont really know that much.. been reading on usnews and these forums for a while now, but yea.. still have lots to learn :)
anyway, one of the people in that thread suggested umich and i was wondering what you guys in here think :)</p>

<p>any chancing is appreciated, as well as tips or so on what i should try to improve for a better chance!</p>

<p>My stats are:
~3.85 College GPA after 2 semesters/27 credits, think it will be around the same after this semester in which im taking 15 so ill be up at 42 when applying, and will have another 15 = 57 by the time of transfer. My guess/hope is that my gpa will stay around the same, might be a slight change up or down, but hoping for up, ofcourse.</p>

<p>I have n 'A' average HS GPA from Sweden where I am from.</p>

<p>I have NOT taken the SATs/ACTs, which i know might be a problem for some schools, but i know that others dont require you to take that once uve done a certain amount of credits.</p>

<p>I am an international student(from sweden) but I currently go to Hawaii Pacific University. My parents are also from India so I believe my different cultural backgrounds will help for diversity etc.
speak 3 languages fluently.
have traveled A LOT, seen every country in europe, been to asia several times, and seen a lot of US..</p>

<p>Financial aid NOT needed</p>

<p>Dean's List 3 semesters at current university</p>

<p>A bit of community service, 4 hours/week</p>

<p>Worked last summer at a home for patients with mental retardation, taking care of them etc.</p>

<p>I think one of the strongest parts is my athletic past which I will include in the essays, either small ones or additional information/EC's</p>

<p>I have played soccer for about 15 years(I'm 19) in Sweden, and there I was offered positions in some of Swedens best private clubs but I had to decline due to moving to the US for 2 years, and I also had a few other offers once I got to the US with teams for boys that were 2 years older than me.
I was also chosen to play for the stockholm team and was a candidate to be able to play for the Swedish Junior National Team but had to back out due to a knee injury which lasted until this summer when i had surgery..
I also played a lot of Tennis in which ive also won many tournaments for example 2 Junior Division tournaments in Dallas as well as getting 2 Best Effort Awards, and a stockholm regional tournament in Sweden where I placed 2nd and others.
+ lots of other sports like snowboarding and surfing + more</p>

<p>I only have 1 recommendation at the moment, but can get a few more, the one i have is very good, and i can get at least 2 very good ones, and probably 1 or 2 pretty good ones..</p>

<p>basically, i think that some of the things that set me apart are my nationality etc for diversity
my athletics
and i will add some EC's, thinking of some things that will be good and that interest me </p>

<p>I am applying for PRE MED / BIO</p>

<p>Thanks guys :)</p>

<p>Stay in Hawaii. Too damn cold here.</p>

<p>haha not exactly what i was looking for :stuck_out_tongue:
but anyway, im tired of hawaii :stuck_out_tongue:
im used to the cold, im from sweden, i actually miss the cold even! :frowning:
the only times ive been away from hawaii during the last 1.5 years has been this summer, so basically ive had summer for over 1.5 years now :stuck_out_tongue: and considering after christmas is also warm, and then i get to sweden this summer again… I MISS THE COLD ! :stuck_out_tongue:
haha, but what do u think about my chances ? could i make it ?</p>

<p>I was just messing with you. But, it is really really cold here, unbearably cold at times. It snows pretty much everyday also.</p>

<p>Anyway, I’m pretty sure you will be admitted. Your resume looks great. You better call the admissions office to see whether or not you need to take the SAT though.</p>

<p>ok nice :slight_smile: thanks!
yea ill definitely do that once finals are over :p</p>

<p>and if anyone else wants to chance, any suggestions etc are appreciated :)</p>

<p>anyone else wanna give me their opinion ? :slight_smile:

<p>I’d say you’re in if you keep the College GPA above a 3.5. I just got in and had a 4.0 frosh GPA, 33 HS - 27 ACT. But i had a lot of ec - Water polo at Notre Dame… a few clubs, etc. i think you are fine</p>

<p>ok cool :slight_smile: will look stuff up in the coming weeks :slight_smile:
and gratz on getting in snwrider2007 :)</p>