<p>Weighed GPA: 4.4366
Unweighted GPA: ~3.9
Rank: Top 10% of 503
School: Public, sends many to top colleges
SATs (estimated from practice tests): Math - ~720; CR - ~720. Writing ranges from ~690 to ~760, depending on the essay.
ACTs (same): Math - 30, English - 35, Reading - 33, Science - 28
Regular Classes: Chemistry, Business & Finance (required finance credit)
Honors Classes: Art I (9th grade, needed a portfolio to get in), French II, Biology, Global Studies
High Honors: World Literature, Algebra II, French IV (switched in from III), English 10, Geometry, English 11, Trig/Calc, *French Literature (bah, it used to be AP)
AP: US History I & II, French Language, *Language and Composition, *Chemistry, *European History, *Calculus
College Classes: Introduction to Psychology
Awards: Nomination for Congressional Art Competition</p>
<li>= projected for senior year</li>
<p>Extracurriculars: Key Club, Mu Alpha Theta, French Honor Society (secretary), Amnesty International, Artists Without Borders, North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad, Peer Tutoring (also, always reading)
Intended Major: Biology or Biochemistry</p>
<p>That said, I have some 'splaining to do. I was in Chemistry Honors for the majority of sophomore year, but had to move down a level to ease the transition back to school. Earlier in the year--from October to March, actually--I developed severe depression and anxiety, to the point that I couldn't go to school without getting a panic attack. I currently have a diagnosis with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, as well as a 504 plan. Recently, depression struck again and I needed to drop Physics Honors. This summer, I intend to take college physics at the local uni to make it up. If need be, I may double up and take AP Bio as well next year, possibly dropping AP Euro? Not sure.</p>
<p>I don't have much depth in my extracurriculars--not yet, at least--because my social anxiety was severe up until recently. This year I'm trying to make up for it. Dunno how much it'll help, but I suppose it's better than nothing!</p>
<p>Now, about the college! Some requirements:
- North of the Mason-Dixon Line.
- Good department in the sciences, but also strength in the liberal arts
- I'm not looking specifically for an LAC, but a place with the atmosphere of one would be nice
- Study abroad program in France (?)
- < 10,000 undergrads
- Suburban or rural setting--not necessary, though
- Co-ed</p>
<p>What universities should I look into?</p>