Hey there! Where should I apply?

<p>Weighed GPA: 4.4366
Unweighted GPA: ~3.9
Rank: Top 10% of 503
School: Public, sends many to top colleges
SATs (estimated from practice tests): Math - ~720; CR - ~720. Writing ranges from ~690 to ~760, depending on the essay.
ACTs (same): Math - 30, English - 35, Reading - 33, Science - 28
Regular Classes: Chemistry, Business & Finance (required finance credit)
Honors Classes: Art I (9th grade, needed a portfolio to get in), French II, Biology, Global Studies
High Honors: World Literature, Algebra II, French IV (switched in from III), English 10, Geometry, English 11, Trig/Calc, *French Literature (bah, it used to be AP)
AP: US History I & II, French Language, *Language and Composition, *Chemistry, *European History, *Calculus
College Classes: Introduction to Psychology
Awards: Nomination for Congressional Art Competition</p>

<li>= projected for senior year</li>

<p>Extracurriculars: Key Club, Mu Alpha Theta, French Honor Society (secretary), Amnesty International, Artists Without Borders, North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad, Peer Tutoring (also, always reading)
Intended Major: Biology or Biochemistry</p>

<p>That said, I have some 'splaining to do. I was in Chemistry Honors for the majority of sophomore year, but had to move down a level to ease the transition back to school. Earlier in the year--from October to March, actually--I developed severe depression and anxiety, to the point that I couldn't go to school without getting a panic attack. I currently have a diagnosis with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, as well as a 504 plan. Recently, depression struck again and I needed to drop Physics Honors. This summer, I intend to take college physics at the local uni to make it up. If need be, I may double up and take AP Bio as well next year, possibly dropping AP Euro? Not sure.</p>

<p>I don't have much depth in my extracurriculars--not yet, at least--because my social anxiety was severe up until recently. This year I'm trying to make up for it. Dunno how much it'll help, but I suppose it's better than nothing!</p>

<p>Now, about the college! Some requirements:
- North of the Mason-Dixon Line.
- Good department in the sciences, but also strength in the liberal arts
- I'm not looking specifically for an LAC, but a place with the atmosphere of one would be nice
- Study abroad program in France (?)
- < 10,000 undergrads
- Suburban or rural setting--not necessary, though
- Co-ed</p>

<p>What universities should I look into?</p>

<p>IMO the most important question to ask is what can your family afford? Another question is do you think it’s advisable for someone with anxiety disorder to pile on multiple college or AP classes?</p>



<p>My parents make a steady income, so it’s not a big issue. I’d prefer to avoid the 45k+, though. ^^;</p>



<p>Yeah, that’s something I’m unsure about, too. I won’t budge on AP Lang & Comp, AP Calculus, and French VI, but the science situation makes me queasy. On one hand, there’s my mental health to keep in mind–on the other, it will probably look bad that I don’t have a science class my junior year, even if I take college physics over the summer. :confused: I’ve yet to consult with my guidance counselor, but the meeting is in a few days, so hopefully stuff will be cleared up by then.</p>

<p>Making a steady income is significantly different from being able to afford $50K/yr. What is your home state?</p>

<p>There are dozens of schools that meet those requirements. I like Swarthmore, Yale, Brown. Though Yale and Brown are in large towns.</p>

<p>Holy Cross and Tufts both strong in the science department. Holy Cross(don’t have to be religious) is a LAC that is need-blind for admissions-meets 100% demonstrated financial aid.</p>

<p>34 possible schools to consider. Can’t say anything about strength about science program.
[College</a> Results Online](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/search2d.aspx?r=GL,ME,NE,PL&sec=1,2&is1=0&is2=10000&sat1=1300&sat2=1400&y=2009]College”>http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/search2d.aspx?r=GL,ME,NE,PL&sec=1,2&is1=0&is2=10000&sat1=1300&sat2=1400&y=2009)</p>



<p>Very true. I’ve talked it up with my parents before. I don’t want to give numbers, but they’ve set aside enough money regularly since before my birth to pay for a good chunk of the four-year tuition. </p>

<p>And I live in New Jersey.</p>



<p>Haha, yeah. I’d never get into Yale or Brown, though. </p>

<p>I really do like the looks of Tufts, Wesleyan, JHU, Brandeis, and Oberlin–Tufts especially. I’m concerned that I wouldn’t make it in, though. Would I stand a good chance?</p>

<p>I would say you have a good shot for any of those. You have a great GPA, will have great test scores, good EC’s. It will likely depend on your essays and luck, but none of those will be impossible. (Nor would Yale or brown :D)</p>