Hey you, kid with the face

<p>^^Yeah well, excuuuse me for not taking your "opinion" seriously. :p Hellooo, classic! :)</p>

<p>I notice no one has asked me what MY favorite flavor is. <em>sniffles</em></p>

<p>cookies and cream or chocolate.</p>

<p>French vanilla or coffee.</p>

<p>Cold Stone's Birthday Cake</p>

<p>CLEAR! <em>Puts paddles to thread's chest</em>
I will not let this thread die! I'm too lovable to venture to the dank archives :(</p>

Hey you, kid with the face


Quite a way to address someone, isn't it. :D</p>

<p>What about pies? French silk........ mmm.</p>


Hey you, kid with the face

Quite a way to address someone, isn't it. :D


Yes, but it grabs your attention by holding it hostage and slowly suffocating it. :p</p>

<p>mint, chocolate, or the one with caramel</p>