<p>Hi everyone, first poster here.... anyhow, I recently passed up a nice free college program with NASA because I was too stupid to notice that the deadline date was the 15th, and that I didn't get my teachers' recommendations. So, I'm basically very desperate to get into AS MANY college summer programs as I can whose deadlines haven't already passed.</p>
<p>Teachers are constantly reminding us that one shouldn't pass up their college summer, so can someone please tell me about a FREE college program in the summer that will look good (and preferably is short, so that I can attend more than 1 during the summer) in the field of science.</p>
<p>Please respond quickly ,haha... and "Hi" everyone :).</p>
<p>Guiys, what the heck. 40 views and 0 posts... I really want to apply for SOMETHING...I'd really appreciate if I could get some stuff here :(. I'd appreciate some effort.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, the deadlines for pretty much all of the free summer programs passed long ago. But you could try for the Carnegie Mellon Summer Programs for Diversity if you'd like. They're still accepting applications even though the deadline has passed.</p>
<p>Damnit, I'm very sad because of your news :(. Thanks for responding though... do you know any other programs like Carnegie's which accept applications even though deadlines are gone? Thanks again!</p>
<p>If we started an application now, do you think it would be possible for us to finish in time for them to look at it? (I don't want to have to ask teachers and such and then miss another deadline...)</p>